
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
   1 # define call_push(x)     move    $4,x;    jal     GC_push_one
   3     .text
   4  # Mark from machine registers that are saved by C compiler
   5     .globl  GC_push_regs
   6     .ent    GC_push_regs
   7 GC_push_regs:
   8     subu    $sp,8       ## Need to save only return address
   9     sw      $31,4($sp)
  10     .mask   0x80000000,-4
  11     .frame  $sp,8,$31
  12     call_push($2)
  13     call_push($3)
  14     call_push($16)
  15     call_push($17)
  16     call_push($18)
  17     call_push($19)
  18     call_push($20)
  19     call_push($21)
  20     call_push($22)
  21     call_push($23)
  22     call_push($30)
  23     lw      $31,4($sp)
  24     addu    $sp,8
  25     j       $31
  26     .end    GC_push_regs

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */