id                 82 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     pthread_t id;
id                 99 gc/aix_irix_threads.c GC_thread GC_lookup_thread(pthread_t id);
id                161 gc/aix_irix_threads.c GC_thread GC_new_thread(pthread_t id)
id                163 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     int hv = ((word)id) % THREAD_TABLE_SZ;
id                178 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     result -> id = id;
id                194 gc/aix_irix_threads.c void GC_delete_gc_thread(pthread_t id, GC_thread gc_id)
id                196 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     int hv = ((word)id) % THREAD_TABLE_SZ;
id                218 gc/aix_irix_threads.c GC_thread GC_lookup_thread(pthread_t id)
id                220 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     int hv = ((word)id) % THREAD_TABLE_SZ;
id                228 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     while (p != 0 && !pthread_equal(p -> id, id)) p = p -> next;
id                244 gc/aix_irix_threads.c         if (p -> id != my_thread) {
id                245 gc/aix_irix_threads.c           pthread_suspend_np(p->id);
id                262 gc/aix_irix_threads.c         if (p -> id != my_thread) {
id                263 gc/aix_irix_threads.c           pthread_continue_np(p->id);
id                283 gc/aix_irix_threads.c         if (p -> id != my_thread) {
id                289 gc/aix_irix_threads.c             result = pthread_kill(p -> id, SIG_SUSPEND);
id                307 gc/aix_irix_threads.c         while (p -> id != my_thread && p -> stop != STOPPED) {
id                320 gc/aix_irix_threads.c                 result = pthread_kill(p -> id, SIG_SUSPEND);
id                373 gc/aix_irix_threads.c         if (pthread_equal(p -> id, me)) {
id                380 gc/aix_irix_threads.c           pthread_t id = p -> id;
id                384 gc/aix_irix_threads.c           int retval = pthread_getthrds_np(&id, PTHRDSINFO_QUERY_ALL, &pinfo,
id                189 gc/cord/de_win.c    int id;
id                239 gc/cord/de_win.c       	   id = LOWORD(wParam);
id                240 gc/cord/de_win.c       	   if (id & EDIT_CMD_FLAG) {
id                241 gc/cord/de_win.c                if (id & REPEAT_FLAG) do_command(REPEAT);
id                242 gc/cord/de_win.c                do_command(CHAR_CMD(id));
id                245 gc/cord/de_win.c              switch(id) {
id                 85 gc/darwin_stop_world.c       if(pthread_equal(p->id,me)) {
id                136 gc/darwin_stop_world.c 		 (unsigned long) p -> id,
id                 28 gc/include/private/pthread_support.h     pthread_t id;
id                 92 gc/include/private/pthread_support.h GC_thread GC_lookup_thread(pthread_t id);
id                 13 gc/include/private/solaris_threads.h     thread_t id;
id                 26 gc/include/private/solaris_threads.h   extern GC_thread GC_new_thread(thread_t id);
id                965 gc/mark.c      void GC_mark_local(mse *local_mark_stack, int id)
id                975 gc/mark.c      	GC_printf1("Starting mark helper %lu\n", (unsigned long)id);
id               1033 gc/mark.c      		        "Finished mark helper %lu\n", (unsigned long)id);
id               3448 gc/os_dep.c    static void GC_mprotect_thread_notify(mach_msg_id_t id) {
id               3460 gc/os_dep.c        buf.msg.head.msgh_id = id;
id               3527 gc/os_dep.c        mach_msg_id_t id;
id               3542 gc/os_dep.c            id = r == MACH_MSG_SUCCESS ? msg.head.msgh_id : -1;
id               3551 gc/os_dep.c                if(r == MACH_MSG_SUCCESS && (id == ID_STOP || id == ID_RESUME))
id               3562 gc/os_dep.c            switch(id) {
id                246 gc/pthread_stop_world.c         if (pthread_equal(p -> id, me)) {
id                268 gc/pthread_stop_world.c     	        (unsigned long) p -> id,
id                281 gc/pthread_stop_world.c     	        (unsigned long) p -> id,
id                284 gc/pthread_stop_world.c           if (pthread_equal(p -> id, me)) {
id                316 gc/pthread_stop_world.c         if (p -> id != my_thread) {
id                322 gc/pthread_stop_world.c 	      GC_printf1("Sending suspend signal to 0x%lx\n", p -> id);
id                325 gc/pthread_stop_world.c         result = pthread_kill(p -> id, SIG_SUSPEND);
id                427 gc/pthread_stop_world.c         if (p -> id != my_thread) {
id                432 gc/pthread_stop_world.c 	      GC_printf1("Sending restart signal to 0x%lx\n", p -> id);
id                435 gc/pthread_stop_world.c         result = pthread_kill(p -> id, SIG_THR_RESTART);
id                429 gc/pthread_support.c void * GC_mark_thread(void * id)
id                433 gc/pthread_support.c   marker_sp[(word)id] = GC_approx_sp();
id                558 gc/pthread_support.c GC_thread GC_new_thread(pthread_t id)
id                560 gc/pthread_support.c     int hv = ((word)id) % THREAD_TABLE_SZ;
id                572 gc/pthread_support.c     result -> id = id;
id                582 gc/pthread_support.c void GC_delete_thread(pthread_t id)
id                584 gc/pthread_support.c     int hv = ((word)id) % THREAD_TABLE_SZ;
id                588 gc/pthread_support.c     while (!pthread_equal(p -> id, id)) {
id                604 gc/pthread_support.c void GC_delete_gc_thread(pthread_t id, GC_thread gc_id)
id                606 gc/pthread_support.c     int hv = ((word)id) % THREAD_TABLE_SZ;
id                628 gc/pthread_support.c GC_thread GC_lookup_thread(pthread_t id)
id                630 gc/pthread_support.c     int hv = ((word)id) % THREAD_TABLE_SZ;
id                633 gc/pthread_support.c     while (p != 0 && !pthread_equal(p -> id, id)) p = p -> next;
id                652 gc/pthread_support.c 	if (p -> id == self) {
id                126 gc/solaris_threads.c static int open_lwp(lwpid_t id)
id                133 gc/solaris_threads.c     	if (GC_lwp_cache[i].lc_id == id) return(GC_lwp_cache[i].lc_descr);
id                135 gc/solaris_threads.c     result = syscall(SYS_ioctl, GC_main_proc_fd, PIOCOPENLWP, &id);
id                143 gc/solaris_threads.c 			result = syscall(SYS_ioctl, GC_main_proc_fd, PIOCOPENLWP, &id);
id                157 gc/solaris_threads.c     GC_lwp_cache[next_victim].lc_id = id;
id                164 gc/solaris_threads.c static void uncache_lwp(lwpid_t id)
id                169 gc/solaris_threads.c     	if (GC_lwp_cache[i].lc_id == id) {
id                170 gc/solaris_threads.c     	    (void)syscall(SYS_close, GC_lwp_cache[id].lc_descr);
id                571 gc/solaris_threads.c GC_thread GC_new_thread(thread_t id)
id                573 gc/solaris_threads.c     int hv = ((word)id) % THREAD_TABLE_SZ;
id                587 gc/solaris_threads.c     result -> id = id;
id                598 gc/solaris_threads.c void GC_delete_thread(thread_t id)
id                600 gc/solaris_threads.c     int hv = ((word)id) % THREAD_TABLE_SZ;
id                604 gc/solaris_threads.c     while (p -> id != id) {
id                618 gc/solaris_threads.c GC_thread GC_lookup_thread(thread_t id)
id                620 gc/solaris_threads.c     int hv = ((word)id) % THREAD_TABLE_SZ;
id                623 gc/solaris_threads.c     while (p != 0 && p -> id != id) p = p -> next;
id                898 gc/solaris_threads.c     if (departed) *departed = t -> id;
id                900 gc/solaris_threads.c     GC_delete_thread(t -> id);
id                 45 gc/win32_threads.c   DWORD id;
id                141 gc/win32_threads.c   thread_table[i].id = GetCurrentThreadId();
id                172 gc/win32_threads.c     thr->id = 0;
id                185 gc/win32_threads.c        (!thread_table[i].in_use || thread_table[i].id != thread_id);
id                202 gc/win32_threads.c static GC_thread GC_lookup_thread(pthread_t id)
id                209 gc/win32_threads.c        (!thread_table[i].in_use || thread_table[i].pthread_id != id
id                246 gc/win32_threads.c 	&& thread_table[i].id != thread_id) {
id                284 gc/win32_threads.c 	&& thread_table[i].id != thread_id) {
id                302 gc/win32_threads.c     if (thread_table[i].stack_base && thread_table[i].id == thread_id)
id                344 gc/win32_threads.c       if (thread -> id == thread_id) {
id                879 src/char.c     ScmObj Scm_GetStandardCharSet(int id)
id                881 src/char.c         if (id < 0 || id >= SCM_CHARSET_NUM_PREDEFINED_SETS)
id                882 src/char.c             Scm_Error("bad id for predefined charset index: %d", id);
id                883 src/char.c         if (predef_charsets[id] == NULL) {
id                886 src/char.c         return SCM_OBJ(predef_charsets[id]);
id                144 src/compaux.c      ScmIdentifier *id = SCM_IDENTIFIER(obj);
id                152 src/compaux.c      Scm_Printf(port, "#<identifier %S#%S>", id->module->name, id->name);
id                171 src/compaux.c      ScmIdentifier *id = SCM_NEW(ScmIdentifier);
id                172 src/compaux.c      SCM_SET_CLASS(id, SCM_CLASS_IDENTIFIER);
id                173 src/compaux.c      id->name = name;
id                174 src/compaux.c      id->module = mod? mod : SCM_CURRENT_MODULE();
id                175 src/compaux.c      id->env = (env == SCM_NIL)? SCM_NIL : get_binding_frame(SCM_OBJ(name), env);
id                176 src/compaux.c      return SCM_OBJ(id);
id                180 src/compaux.c  int Scm_IdentifierBindingEqv(ScmIdentifier *id, ScmSymbol *sym, ScmObj env)
id                183 src/compaux.c      return (bf == id->env);
id                188 src/compaux.c      ScmIdentifier *id = SCM_NEW(ScmIdentifier);
id                189 src/compaux.c      SCM_SET_CLASS(id, SCM_CLASS_IDENTIFIER);
id                190 src/compaux.c      id->name = orig->name;
id                191 src/compaux.c      id->module = orig->module;
id                192 src/compaux.c      id->env = orig->env;
id                193 src/compaux.c      return SCM_OBJ(id);
id               5486 src/extlib.c     int id;
id               5493 src/extlib.c     id = Scm_GetInteger(id_scm);
id               5497 src/extlib.c    SCM_RESULT = (Scm_ParameterRef(Scm_VM(), index, id));
id               5511 src/extlib.c     int id;
id               5520 src/extlib.c     id = Scm_GetInteger(id_scm);
id               5526 src/extlib.c    SCM_RESULT = (Scm_ParameterSet(Scm_VM(), index, id, value));
id                932 src/gauche.h   SCM_EXTERN ScmObj Scm_GetStandardCharSet(int id);
id                163 src/gauche/vm.h SCM_EXTERN ScmObj Scm_CopyIdentifier(ScmIdentifier *id);
id                164 src/gauche/vm.h SCM_EXTERN int    Scm_IdentifierBindingEqv(ScmIdentifier *id, ScmSymbol *sym,
id                269 src/gauche/vm.h SCM_EXTERN ScmObj Scm_ParameterRef(ScmVM *vm, int index, int id);
id                270 src/gauche/vm.h SCM_EXTERN ScmObj Scm_ParameterSet(ScmVM *vm, int index, int id, ScmObj value);
id                256 src/intlib.c     ScmIdentifier* id;
id                260 src/intlib.c     id = SCM_IDENTIFIER(id_scm);
id                262 src/intlib.c   ScmGloc *g = Scm_FindBinding(id->module, id->name, FALSE);
id                418 src/intlib.c     ScmObj id;
id                421 src/intlib.c     id = (id_scm);
id                423 src/intlib.c   ScmGloc *gloc = Scm_FindBinding(SCM_IDENTIFIER(id)->module,
id                424 src/intlib.c                                      SCM_IDENTIFIER(id)->name, FALSE);
id                442 src/macro.c                ScmObj id, pvref = pvar_to_pvref(ctx, spat, form);
id                447 src/macro.c                        id = form;
id                449 src/macro.c                        id = Scm_MakeIdentifier(SCM_SYMBOL(form),
id                452 src/macro.c                    ctx->tvars = Scm_Cons(id, ctx->tvars);
id                453 src/macro.c                    return id;
id                679 src/macro.c    static inline int match_identifier(ScmIdentifier *id, ScmObj obj, ScmObj env)
id                682 src/macro.c            return (id->name == SCM_SYMBOL(obj)
id                683 src/macro.c                    && Scm_IdentifierBindingEqv(id, SCM_SYMBOL(obj), env));
id                687 src/macro.c            return (id->name == SCM_IDENTIFIER(obj)->name
id                688 src/macro.c                    && id->env == SCM_IDENTIFIER(obj)->env);
id                848 src/macro.c                ScmObj id = Scm_CopyIdentifier(SCM_IDENTIFIER(template));
id                849 src/macro.c                *idlist = Scm_Acons(template, id, *idlist);
id                850 src/macro.c                return id;
id                127 src/parameter.c ScmObj Scm_ParameterRef(ScmVM *vm, int index, int id)
id                131 src/parameter.c     if (index >= p->numParameters || p->ids[index] != id) {
id                133 src/parameter.c                   vm, index, id);
id                139 src/parameter.c ScmObj Scm_ParameterSet(ScmVM *vm, int index, int id, ScmObj value)
id                143 src/parameter.c     if (index >= p->numParameters || p->ids[index] != id) {
id                145 src/parameter.c                   vm, index, id);
id               1309 src/vm.c                           ScmIdentifier *id;
id               1311 src/vm.c                           id = SCM_IDENTIFIER(loc);
id               1315 src/vm.c                           gloc = Scm_FindBinding(id->module, id->name,
id               1320 src/vm.c                                   gloc = Scm_FindBinding(id->module, id->name, FALSE);
id               1323 src/vm.c                                               id->name));