offset            179 gc/dbg_mlc.c       size_t offset;
offset            185 gc/dbg_mlc.c         source = GC_get_back_ptr_info(current, &base, &offset);
offset            207 gc/dbg_mlc.c   	  GC_err_printf1("offset %ld in object:\n", (unsigned long)offset);
offset            468 gc/dbg_mlc.c       void GC_debug_register_displacement(GC_word offset)
offset            470 gc/dbg_mlc.c       void GC_debug_register_displacement(offset)
offset            471 gc/dbg_mlc.c       GC_word offset;
offset            474 gc/dbg_mlc.c       GC_register_displacement(offset);
offset            475 gc/dbg_mlc.c       GC_register_displacement((word)sizeof(oh) + offset);
offset            244 gc/dyn_load.c          unsigned long offset;
offset            250 gc/dyn_load.c          offset = ((unsigned long)(lm->l_addr));
offset            256 gc/dyn_load.c                  start = ((char *)(p->p_vaddr)) + offset;
offset            538 gc/dyn_load.c          unsigned long offset;
offset            544 gc/dyn_load.c          offset = ((unsigned long)(lm->l_addr));
offset            550 gc/dyn_load.c                  start = ((char *)(p->p_vaddr)) + offset;
offset           1517 gc/include/private/gc_priv.h void GC_register_displacement_inner GC_PROTO((word offset));
offset            603 gc/mallocx.c       size_t offset;
offset            619 gc/mallocx.c       offset = (word)result % align;
offset            620 gc/mallocx.c       if (offset != 0) {
offset            621 gc/mallocx.c   	offset = align - offset;
offset            623 gc/mallocx.c   	    if (offset >= VALID_OFFSET_SZ) return GC_malloc(HBLKSIZE);
offset            624 gc/mallocx.c   	    GC_register_displacement(offset);
offset            627 gc/mallocx.c       result = (GC_PTR) ((ptr_t)result + offset);
offset            412 gc/misc.c      	    register int offset = HBLKDISPL(r);
offset            416 gc/misc.c      	    map_entry = MAP_ENTRY((candidate_hdr -> hb_map), offset);
offset            418 gc/misc.c                  	map_entry = (signed_word)(BYTES_TO_WORDS(offset)) % sz;
offset             51 gc/obj_map.c       void GC_register_displacement(GC_word offset)
offset             53 gc/obj_map.c       void GC_register_displacement(offset)
offset             54 gc/obj_map.c       GC_word offset;
offset             61 gc/obj_map.c       GC_register_displacement_inner(offset);
offset             66 gc/obj_map.c   void GC_register_displacement_inner(offset)
offset             67 gc/obj_map.c   word offset;
offset             70 gc/obj_map.c       word map_entry = BYTES_TO_WORDS(offset);
offset             72 gc/obj_map.c       if (offset >= VALID_OFFSET_SZ) {
offset             76 gc/obj_map.c       if (!GC_valid_offsets[offset]) {
offset             77 gc/obj_map.c         GC_valid_offsets[offset] = TRUE;
offset             78 gc/obj_map.c         GC_modws_valid_offsets[offset % sizeof(word)] = TRUE;
offset             83 gc/obj_map.c                  GC_obj_map[i][offset] = (map_entry_type)map_entry;
offset             88 gc/obj_map.c                  if (offset < lb) {
offset             89 gc/obj_map.c                    for (j = offset; j < HBLKSIZE; j += lb) {
offset            747 src/error.c                            int maxdepth, int skip, int offset, int format)
offset            750 src/error.c        int depth = offset;
offset           3617 src/extlib.c     ScmObj offset;
offset           3629 src/extlib.c     offset = (offset_scm);
offset           3640 src/extlib.c   SCM_RESULT = Scm_PortSeek(port, offset, whence);
offset           1312 src/gauche.h       off_t (*seeker)(ScmPort *p, off_t offset, int whence);
offset           2488 src/gauche.h                                      int maxdepth, int skip, int offset,
offset            827 src/port.c     static off_t file_seeker(ScmPort *p, off_t offset, int whence)
offset            829 src/port.c         return lseek((int)p->, offset, whence);
offset            943 src/regexp.c   static void rc3_emit_offset(regcomp_ctx *ctx, int offset)
offset            945 src/regexp.c       if (offset > REGEXP_OFFSET_MAX) {
offset            952 src/regexp.c           ctx->code[ctx->codep++] = (offset>>8) & 0xff;
offset            953 src/regexp.c           ctx->code[ctx->codep++] = offset & 0xff;
offset            959 src/regexp.c   static void rc3_fill_offset(regcomp_ctx *ctx, int codep, int offset)
offset            961 src/regexp.c       if (offset > REGEXP_OFFSET_MAX) {
offset            968 src/regexp.c           ctx->code[codep] = (offset >> 8) & 0xff;
offset            969 src/regexp.c           ctx->code[codep+1] = offset & 0xff;
offset            445 src/string.c   static const char *forward_pos(const char *current, int offset)
offset            449 src/string.c       while (offset--) {
offset            495 src/string.c   int Scm_StringByteRef(ScmString *str, int offset, int range_error)
offset            498 src/string.c       if (offset < 0 || offset >= SCM_STRING_BODY_SIZE(b)) {
offset            500 src/string.c               Scm_Error("argument out of range: %d", offset);
offset            505 src/string.c       return (ScmByte)SCM_STRING_BODY_START(b)[offset];
offset            514 src/string.c   const char *Scm_StringPosition(ScmString *str, int offset)
offset            517 src/string.c       if (offset < 0 || offset > SCM_STRING_BODY_LENGTH(b)) {
offset            518 src/string.c           Scm_Error("argument out of range: %d", offset);
offset            521 src/string.c           return (SCM_STRING_BODY_START(b)+offset);
offset            523 src/string.c           return (forward_pos(SCM_STRING_BODY_START(b), offset));