c                  74 ext/charconv/charconv.c     const char *c = NULL;
c                  76 ext/charconv/charconv.c         c = Scm_SupportedCharacterEncodings()[0];
c                  78 ext/charconv/charconv.c         c = Scm_GetStringConst(SCM_STRING(code));
c                  80 ext/charconv/charconv.c         c = Scm_GetStringConst(SCM_SYMBOL_NAME(code));
c                  85 ext/charconv/charconv.c     return c;
c                  83 ext/charconv/guess.c         int c = (unsigned char)buf[i];
c                  86 ext/charconv/guess.c         if (c == 0x1b) {
c                  88 ext/charconv/guess.c                 c = (unsigned char)buf[++i];
c                  89 ext/charconv/guess.c                 if (c == '$' || c == '(') return "ISO-2022-JP";
c                  95 ext/charconv/guess.c             DFA_NEXT(eucj, c);
c                  99 ext/charconv/guess.c             DFA_NEXT(sjis, c);
c                 103 ext/charconv/guess.c             DFA_NEXT(utf8, c);
c                  96 ext/dbm/bdbm.c #define CAT3(a, b, c) a##b##c
c                 164 ext/digest/md5c.c     register u_int32_t a, b, c, d;
c                 168 ext/digest/md5c.c     c = buf[2];
c                 171 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F1, a, b, c, d, in[0] + 0xd76aa478, 7);
c                 172 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F1, d, a, b, c, in[1] + 0xe8c7b756, 12);
c                 173 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F1, c, d, a, b, in[2] + 0x242070db, 17);
c                 174 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F1, b, c, d, a, in[3] + 0xc1bdceee, 22);
c                 175 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F1, a, b, c, d, in[4] + 0xf57c0faf, 7);
c                 176 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F1, d, a, b, c, in[5] + 0x4787c62a, 12);
c                 177 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F1, c, d, a, b, in[6] + 0xa8304613, 17);
c                 178 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F1, b, c, d, a, in[7] + 0xfd469501, 22);
c                 179 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F1, a, b, c, d, in[8] + 0x698098d8, 7);
c                 180 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F1, d, a, b, c, in[9] + 0x8b44f7af, 12);
c                 181 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F1, c, d, a, b, in[10] + 0xffff5bb1, 17);
c                 182 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F1, b, c, d, a, in[11] + 0x895cd7be, 22);
c                 183 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F1, a, b, c, d, in[12] + 0x6b901122, 7);
c                 184 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F1, d, a, b, c, in[13] + 0xfd987193, 12);
c                 185 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F1, c, d, a, b, in[14] + 0xa679438e, 17);
c                 186 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F1, b, c, d, a, in[15] + 0x49b40821, 22);
c                 188 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F2, a, b, c, d, in[1] + 0xf61e2562, 5);
c                 189 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F2, d, a, b, c, in[6] + 0xc040b340, 9);
c                 190 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F2, c, d, a, b, in[11] + 0x265e5a51, 14);
c                 191 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F2, b, c, d, a, in[0] + 0xe9b6c7aa, 20);
c                 192 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F2, a, b, c, d, in[5] + 0xd62f105d, 5);
c                 193 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F2, d, a, b, c, in[10] + 0x02441453, 9);
c                 194 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F2, c, d, a, b, in[15] + 0xd8a1e681, 14);
c                 195 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F2, b, c, d, a, in[4] + 0xe7d3fbc8, 20);
c                 196 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F2, a, b, c, d, in[9] + 0x21e1cde6, 5);
c                 197 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F2, d, a, b, c, in[14] + 0xc33707d6, 9);
c                 198 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F2, c, d, a, b, in[3] + 0xf4d50d87, 14);
c                 199 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F2, b, c, d, a, in[8] + 0x455a14ed, 20);
c                 200 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F2, a, b, c, d, in[13] + 0xa9e3e905, 5);
c                 201 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F2, d, a, b, c, in[2] + 0xfcefa3f8, 9);
c                 202 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F2, c, d, a, b, in[7] + 0x676f02d9, 14);
c                 203 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F2, b, c, d, a, in[12] + 0x8d2a4c8a, 20);
c                 205 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F3, a, b, c, d, in[5] + 0xfffa3942, 4);
c                 206 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F3, d, a, b, c, in[8] + 0x8771f681, 11);
c                 207 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F3, c, d, a, b, in[11] + 0x6d9d6122, 16);
c                 208 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F3, b, c, d, a, in[14] + 0xfde5380c, 23);
c                 209 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F3, a, b, c, d, in[1] + 0xa4beea44, 4);
c                 210 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F3, d, a, b, c, in[4] + 0x4bdecfa9, 11);
c                 211 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F3, c, d, a, b, in[7] + 0xf6bb4b60, 16);
c                 212 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F3, b, c, d, a, in[10] + 0xbebfbc70, 23);
c                 213 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F3, a, b, c, d, in[13] + 0x289b7ec6, 4);
c                 214 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F3, d, a, b, c, in[0] + 0xeaa127fa, 11);
c                 215 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F3, c, d, a, b, in[3] + 0xd4ef3085, 16);
c                 216 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F3, b, c, d, a, in[6] + 0x04881d05, 23);
c                 217 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F3, a, b, c, d, in[9] + 0xd9d4d039, 4);
c                 218 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F3, d, a, b, c, in[12] + 0xe6db99e5, 11);
c                 219 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F3, c, d, a, b, in[15] + 0x1fa27cf8, 16);
c                 220 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F3, b, c, d, a, in[2] + 0xc4ac5665, 23);
c                 222 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F4, a, b, c, d, in[0] + 0xf4292244, 6);
c                 223 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F4, d, a, b, c, in[7] + 0x432aff97, 10);
c                 224 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F4, c, d, a, b, in[14] + 0xab9423a7, 15);
c                 225 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F4, b, c, d, a, in[5] + 0xfc93a039, 21);
c                 226 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F4, a, b, c, d, in[12] + 0x655b59c3, 6);
c                 227 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F4, d, a, b, c, in[3] + 0x8f0ccc92, 10);
c                 228 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F4, c, d, a, b, in[10] + 0xffeff47d, 15);
c                 229 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F4, b, c, d, a, in[1] + 0x85845dd1, 21);
c                 230 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F4, a, b, c, d, in[8] + 0x6fa87e4f, 6);
c                 231 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F4, d, a, b, c, in[15] + 0xfe2ce6e0, 10);
c                 232 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F4, c, d, a, b, in[6] + 0xa3014314, 15);
c                 233 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F4, b, c, d, a, in[13] + 0x4e0811a1, 21);
c                 234 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F4, a, b, c, d, in[4] + 0xf7537e82, 6);
c                 235 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F4, d, a, b, c, in[11] + 0xbd3af235, 10);
c                 236 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F4, c, d, a, b, in[2] + 0x2ad7d2bb, 15);
c                 237 ext/digest/md5c.c     MD5STEP(F4, b, c, d, a, in[9] + 0xeb86d391, 21);
c                 241 ext/digest/md5c.c     buf[2] += c;
c                 136 ext/digest/sha.c 	 ( e += ROTL(5,a) + f(b, c, d) + k + data, b = ROTL(30, b) )
c                 707 ext/uvector/uvector.c #define SWAP(x, y)   (t = dd.c[x], dd.c[x] = dd.c[y], dd.c[y] = t)
c                 713 ext/uvector/uvector.c         unsigned char c[2];
c                 725 ext/uvector/uvector.c         unsigned char c[4];
c                 738 ext/uvector/uvector.c         unsigned char c[4];
c                9731 ext/uvector/uvector.c                 unsigned char c[2];
c                9736 ext/uvector/uvector.c                 Scm_Putz((const char*)d.c, 2, port);
c                9742 ext/uvector/uvector.c                 unsigned char c[4];
c                9747 ext/uvector/uvector.c                 Scm_Putz((const char*)d.c, 4, port);
c                9753 ext/uvector/uvector.c                 unsigned char c[8];
c                9758 ext/uvector/uvector.c                 Scm_Putz((const char*)d.c, 8, port);
c                  47 ext/uvector/uvinit.c     ScmChar c;
c                  50 ext/uvector/uvinit.c     SCM_GETC(c, port);
c                  51 ext/uvector/uvinit.c     if (c != '(') Scm_Error("bad uniform vector syntax for %s", tag);
c                  93 ext/vport/vport.c         ScmChar c;
c                 101 ext/vport/vport.c         c = SCM_CHAR_VALUE(ch);
c                 102 ext/vport/vport.c         nb = SCM_CHAR_NBYTES(c);
c                 103 ext/vport/vport.c         SCM_CHAR_PUT(buf, c);
c                 246 ext/vport/vport.c             int i, n=SCM_CHAR_NBYTES(c);
c                 247 ext/vport/vport.c             SCM_CHAR_PUT(buf, c);
c                 253 ext/vport/vport.c         Scm_Apply(data->putc_proc, SCM_LIST1(SCM_MAKE_CHAR(c)));
c                 298 ext/vport/vport.c         ScmChar c;
c                 302 ext/vport/vport.c             SCM_CHAR_GET(cp, c);
c                 304 ext/vport/vport.c             Scm_Apply(data->putc_proc, SCM_LIST1(SCM_MAKE_CHAR(c)));
c                  92 gc/cord/cordbscs.c #define LEFT_LEN(c) ((c) -> left_len != 0? \
c                  93 gc/cord/cordbscs.c 				(c) -> left_len \
c                  94 gc/cord/cordbscs.c 				: (CORD_IS_STRING((c) -> left) ? \
c                  95 gc/cord/cordbscs.c 					(c) -> len - GEN_LEN((c) -> right) \
c                  96 gc/cord/cordbscs.c 					: LEN((c) -> left)))
c                 280 gc/cord/cordbscs.c         register char c;
c                 283 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             c = (*fn)(i, client_data);
c                 284 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             if (c == '\0') goto gen_case;
c                 285 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             buf[i] = c;
c                 426 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             register char c;
c                 431 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             	c = (*(f -> fn))(j, f -> client_data);
c                 432 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             	if (c == '\0') {
c                 435 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             	*p++ = c;
c                 522 gc/cord/cordbscs.c 	register char c;
c                 525 gc/cord/cordbscs.c 	    c = *p;
c                 526 gc/cord/cordbscs.c 	    if (c == '\0') ABORT("2nd arg to CORD_riter4 too big");
c                 527 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             if ((*f1)(c, client_data)) return(1);
c                 581 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     CORD c;
c                 621 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	forest[i].c = 0;
c                 639 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	if (forest[i].c != 0) {
c                 640 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	    sum = CORD_cat(forest[i].c, sum);
c                 642 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	    forest[i].c = 0;
c                 654 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	if (forest[i].c != 0) {
c                 655 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	    sum = CORD_cat(forest[i].c, sum);
c                 659 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	    forest[i].c = 0;
c                 664 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     forest[i].c = sum;
c                 675 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	if (forest[i].c != 0) {
c                 676 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	    sum = CORD_cat(forest[i].c, sum);
c                 234 gc/cord/cordprnt.c 			    register char c;
c                 236 gc/cord/cordprnt.c 			    c = (char)va_arg(args, int);
c                 237 gc/cord/cordprnt.c 			    CORD_ec_append(result, c);
c                 244 gc/cord/cordprnt.c 			    register char c;
c                 246 gc/cord/cordprnt.c 			    while ((c = *str++)) {
c                 247 gc/cord/cordprnt.c 			        CORD_ec_append(result, c);
c                 321 gc/cord/cordprnt.c             	        register char c;
c                 323 gc/cord/cordprnt.c 			while ((c = *buf++)) {
c                 324 gc/cord/cordprnt.c 			    CORD_ec_append(result, c);
c                  33 gc/cord/cordtest.c             if (c != 'b') ABORT("bad char");
c                  35 gc/cord/cordtest.c             if (c != 'a') ABORT("bad char");
c                  40 gc/cord/cordtest.c         if (c != 'c') ABORT("bad char");
c                  55 gc/cord/cordtest.c     char c;
c                 111 gc/cord/cordtest.c         c = CORD_pos_fetch(p);
c                 112 gc/cord/cordtest.c        	if(c != i) ABORT("Traversal of function node failed");
c                  62 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     if (c == '\0') return(CORD_cat(x, CORD_nul(1)));
c                  65 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     string[0] = c;
c                  96 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     (d -> buf)[count] = c;
c                 268 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     return(putc(c, f) == EOF);
c                 297 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     if (c == d -> target) return(1);
c                 306 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     if (c == d -> target) return(1);
c                 330 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     d.target = c;
c                 343 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     d.target = c;
c                 438 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     return(CORD_from_fn(CORD_nul_func, (void *)(unsigned long)c, i));
c                 443 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     register int c;
c                 448 gc/cord/cordxtra.c         c = getc(f);
c                 449 gc/cord/cordxtra.c         if (c == 0) {
c                 456 gc/cord/cordxtra.c             while ((c = getc(f)) == 0) count++;
c                 459 gc/cord/cordxtra.c         if (c == EOF) break;
c                 460 gc/cord/cordxtra.c         CORD_ec_append(ecord, c);
c                  59 gc/cord/de.c   #	define addch(c) putchar(c)
c                 170 gc/cord/de.c       if (c != 0) {
c                 173 gc/cord/de.c           if (next < cur + *c) {
c                 174 gc/cord/de.c               *c = next - cur;
c                 176 gc/cord/de.c           cur += *c;
c                 210 gc/cord/de.c       register int c;
c                 228 gc/cord/de.c               c = CORD_pos_fetch(p) & 0x7f;
c                 229 gc/cord/de.c               if (iscntrl(c)) {
c                 230 gc/cord/de.c               	standout(); addch(c + 0x40); standend();
c                 232 gc/cord/de.c       	        addch(c);
c                 386 gc/cord/de.c       col = c + dis_col;
c                 403 gc/cord/de.c       if ( c == '\r') c = '\n';
c                 407 gc/cord/de.c           if (c == LOCATE) {
c                 412 gc/cord/de.c           locate_string = CORD_cat_char(locate_string, (char)c);
c                 433 gc/cord/de.c       if (c == REPEAT) {
c                 435 gc/cord/de.c       } else if (c < 0x100 && isdigit(c)){
c                 437 gc/cord/de.c             repeat_count = c - '0'; return;
c                 439 gc/cord/de.c             repeat_count = 10 * repeat_count + c - '0'; return;
c                 443 gc/cord/de.c       if (repeat_count == BARE_PREFIX && (c == UP || c == DOWN)) {
c                 449 gc/cord/de.c           switch(c) {
c                 518 gc/cord/de.c        	        add_hist(CORD_cat(CORD_cat_char(left_part, (char)c),
c                 521 gc/cord/de.c        	        if (c == '\n') {
c                 567 gc/cord/de.c       int c;
c                 582 gc/cord/de.c       while ((c = getchar()) != QUIT) {
c                 583 gc/cord/de.c   		if (c == EOF) break;
c                 584 gc/cord/de.c   	    do_command(c);
c                 318 gc/cord/de_win.c     last_col = c;
c                1132 gc/dyn_load.c      unsigned long i,c;
c                1133 gc/dyn_load.c      c = _dyld_image_count();
c                1134 gc/dyn_load.c      for(i=0;i<c;i++) if(_dyld_get_image_header(i) == hdr)
c                  63 gc/include/ec.h 	*((x)[0].ec_bufptr)++ = (c); \
c                1850 gc/include/private/gc_priv.h # define GC_printf3(f,a,b,c) GC_printf(f, (long)a, (long)b, (long)c, 0l, 0l, 0l)
c                1851 gc/include/private/gc_priv.h # define GC_printf4(f,a,b,c,d) GC_printf(f, (long)a, (long)b, (long)c, \
c                1853 gc/include/private/gc_priv.h # define GC_printf5(f,a,b,c,d,e) GC_printf(f, (long)a, (long)b, (long)c, \
c                1855 gc/include/private/gc_priv.h # define GC_printf6(f,a,b,c,d,e,g) GC_printf(f, (long)a, (long)b, (long)c, \
c                1862 gc/include/private/gc_priv.h # define GC_err_printf3(f,a,b,c) GC_err_printf(f, (long)a, (long)b, (long)c, \
c                1865 gc/include/private/gc_priv.h 						    (long)c, (long)d, 0l, 0l)
c                1867 gc/include/private/gc_priv.h 						      (long)c, (long)d, \
c                1870 gc/include/private/gc_priv.h 							(long)c, (long)d, \
c                 115 gc/include/weakpointer.h static void Set( T* t, void c( Data* d, T* t ), Data* d = 0 )
c                 122 gc/include/weakpointer.h        {_CleanUp_Set( t, c, d );}
c                 212 gc/include/weakpointer.h     void _CleanUp_Set( void* t, void (*c)( void* d, void* t ), void* d );
c                 979 gc/misc.c          (void) sprintf(buf, format, a, b, c, d, e, f);
c                 991 gc/misc.c          (void) sprintf(buf, format, a, b, c, d, e, f);
c                 936 gc/os_dep.c        char c;
c                 972 gc/os_dep.c        c = stat_buf[buf_offset++];
c                 976 gc/os_dep.c    	while (isspace(c)) c = stat_buf[buf_offset++];
c                 977 gc/os_dep.c    	while (!isspace(c)) c = stat_buf[buf_offset++];
c                 979 gc/os_dep.c        while (isspace(c)) c = stat_buf[buf_offset++];
c                 980 gc/os_dep.c        while (isdigit(c)) {
c                 982 gc/os_dep.c          result += c - '0';
c                 983 gc/os_dep.c          c = stat_buf[buf_offset++];
c                  41 gc/solaris_threads.c   --> Not yet supported.  Try porting the code from linux_threads.c.
c                 123 gc/tests/test.c # define GC_calloc_explicitly_typed(a,b,c) GC_amiga_gctest_calloc_explicitly_typed(a,b,c)
c                 607 gc/tests/test.c     sexpr c;
c                 636 gc/tests/test.c     c = ints(1, BIG);
c                 667 gc/tests/test.c       c = (sexpr)((char *)c + sizeof(char *));
c                 703 gc/tests/test.c     c = (sexpr)((char *)c - sizeof(char *));
c                 705 gc/tests/test.c     check_ints(c,1,BIG);
c                 716 gc/tests/test.c     b = c = 0;
c                 237 gc/tests/test_cpp.cc             C* c = new C( 2 );
c                 241 gc/tests/test_cpp.cc             if (0 == i % 10) delete c;}
c                 215 src/bignum.c       ScmBignum *c = make_bignum(b->size);
c                 216 src/bignum.c       c->sign = b->sign;
c                 217 src/bignum.c       for (i=0; i<b->size; i++) c->values[i] = b->values[i];
c                 218 src/bignum.c       return SCM_OBJ(c);
c                 427 src/bignum.c       ScmObj c = Scm_BignumCopy(b);
c                 428 src/bignum.c       SCM_BIGNUM_SIGN(c) = -SCM_BIGNUM_SIGN(c);
c                 429 src/bignum.c       return Scm_NormalizeBignum(SCM_BIGNUM(c));
c                 492 src/bignum.c           u_long w; int c = 0;
c                 500 src/bignum.c               UADD(w, c, xx, oo);
c                 501 src/bignum.c               if (c > 0 || w > by->values[ysize-1]) return 1;
c                 544 src/bignum.c       int i, c;
c                 545 src/bignum.c       for (i=0, c=1; i<rsize; i++) {
c                 547 src/bignum.c           UADD(br->values[i], c, x, 0);
c                 565 src/bignum.c       int i, c;
c                 568 src/bignum.c       for (i=0, c=0; i<rsize; i++, xsize--, ysize--) {
c                 571 src/bignum.c                   UADD(br->values[i], c, 0, 0);
c                 575 src/bignum.c               UADD(br->values[i], c, 0, y);
c                 580 src/bignum.c               UADD(br->values[i], c, x, 0);
c                 585 src/bignum.c           UADD(br->values[i], c, x, y);
c                 597 src/bignum.c       int i, c;
c                 600 src/bignum.c       for (i=0, c=0; i<rsize; i++, xsize--, ysize--) {
c                 603 src/bignum.c                   USUB(br->values[i], c, 0, 0);
c                 607 src/bignum.c               USUB(br->values[i], c, 0, y);
c                 612 src/bignum.c               USUB(br->values[i], c, x, 0);
c                 617 src/bignum.c           USUB(br->values[i], c, x, y);
c                 619 src/bignum.c       if (c != 0) {
c                 657 src/bignum.c       long c;
c                 668 src/bignum.c           for (c=0, i=0; i<bx->size; i++) {
c                 669 src/bignum.c               UADD(br->values[i], c, bx->values[i], yabs);
c                 673 src/bignum.c           for (c=0, i=0; i<bx->size; i++) {
c                 674 src/bignum.c               USUB(br->values[i], c, bx->values[i], yabs);
c                 678 src/bignum.c       br->values[rsize-1] = c;
c                 821 src/bignum.c       u_long hi, lo, x, r0, r1, c;
c                 827 src/bignum.c           c = 0;
c                 830 src/bignum.c           UADD(r1, c, r0, lo);
c                 834 src/bignum.c           UADD(r1, c, r0, hi);
c                 837 src/bignum.c           for (j=i+off+2; c && j<br->size; j++) {
c                 839 src/bignum.c               UADD(r1, c, r0, 0);
c                 925 src/bignum.c       u_long b = (1L<<(WORD_BITS-1)), c = 0;
c                 926 src/bignum.c       for (; b > 0; b>>=1, c++) {
c                 927 src/bignum.c           if (w & b) return c;
c                1313 src/bignum.c       r->values[0] = c;
c                 319 src/char.c         int i, c, val = 0, dig;
c                 322 src/char.c             SCM_GETC(c, port);
c                 323 src/char.c             if (c == EOF) break;
c                 324 src/char.c             dig = Scm_DigitToInt(c, 16);
c                 326 src/char.c                 SCM_UNGETC(c, port);
c                 329 src/char.c             buf[i] = (char)c;       /* we know c is single byte char here. */
c                 531 src/char.c         if (c < 0) return FALSE;
c                 532 src/char.c         if (c < SCM_CHARSET_MASK_CHARS) return MASK_ISSET(cs, c);
c                 536 src/char.c                 if (r->lo <= c && c <= r->hi) return TRUE;
c                 612 src/char.c             int c, i;
c                 616 src/char.c                 SCM_GETC(c, port);
c                 617 src/char.c                 if (c == EOF || c == ']') break;
c                 618 src/char.c                 if (c == '\\') SCM_GETC(c, port);
c                 410 src/class.c        ScmClass *c = SCM_CLASS(args[0]);
c                 411 src/class.c        if (c->allocate == NULL) {
c                 413 src/class.c                      SCM_OBJ(c));
c                 415 src/class.c        return c->allocate(c, args[1]);
c                 430 src/class.c        ScmClass *c = SCM_CLASS(args[0]);
c                 431 src/class.c        return Scm_ComputeCPL(c);
c                 328 src/error.c            ScmObj c = SCM_CAR(cp);
c                 329 src/error.c            if (!SCM_CONDITIONP(c)) {
c                 332 src/error.c            if (SCM_SERIOUS_CONDITION_P(c)) {
c                 336 src/error.c            if (SCM_COMPOUND_CONDITION_P(c)) {
c                 337 src/error.c                ScmCompoundCondition *cc = SCM_COMPOUND_CONDITION(c);
c                 340 src/error.c                SCM_APPEND1(h, t, c);
c                 419 src/error.c        if (!SCM_CONDITIONP(c)) return FALSE;
c                 421 src/error.c        if (!SCM_COMPOUND_CONDITION_P(c)) return SCM_ISA(c, SCM_CLASS(k));
c                 422 src/error.c        SCM_FOR_EACH(cp, SCM_COMPOUND_CONDITION(c)->conditions) {
c                 430 src/error.c        if (SCM_MESSAGE_CONDITION_P(c)) {
c                 431 src/error.c            return SCM_MESSAGE_CONDITION(c)->message;
c                 432 src/error.c        } else if (SCM_COMPOUND_CONDITION_P(c)) {
c                 434 src/error.c            SCM_FOR_EACH(cp, SCM_COMPOUND_CONDITION(c)->conditions) {
c                 455 src/error.c        if (!SCM_CONDITIONP(c)) return SCM_MAKE_STR("(not a condition)");
c                 457 src/error.c        if (!SCM_COMPOUND_CONDITION_P(c)) {
c                 458 src/error.c            sname = Scm__InternalClassName(Scm_ClassOf(c));
c                 461 src/error.c            SCM_FOR_EACH(cp, SCM_COMPOUND_CONDITION(c)->conditions) {
c                 467 src/error.c                sname = Scm__InternalClassName(Scm_ClassOf(c));
c                 145 src/exclib.c     ScmObj c;
c                 150 src/exclib.c     c = (c_scm);
c                 156 src/exclib.c   SCM_RESULT = Scm_ConditionHasType(c, k);
c                1218 src/extlib.c     ScmChar c;
c                1222 src/extlib.c     c = SCM_CHAR_VALUE(c_scm);
c                1224 src/extlib.c   int ucs = Scm_CharToUcs(c);
c                 295 src/gauche.h   #define SCM_CPP_CAT3(a, b, c)  a ## b ## c
c                 805 src/gauche.h   #define SCM_LIST3(a,b,c)         Scm_Cons(a, SCM_LIST2(b, c))
c                 806 src/gauche.h   #define SCM_LIST4(a,b,c,d)       Scm_Cons(a, SCM_LIST3(b, c, d))
c                 807 src/gauche.h   #define SCM_LIST5(a,b,c,d,e)     Scm_Cons(a, SCM_LIST4(b, c, d, e))
c                1334 src/gauche.h       void      (*Putc)(ScmChar c, ScmPort *p);
c                1556 src/gauche.h   #define SCM_PUTC(c, p)     Scm_Putc(c, SCM_PORT(p))
c                1562 src/gauche.h   #define SCM_UNGETC(c, port) Scm_Ungetc(c, SCM_PORT(port))
c                1564 src/gauche.h   #define SCM_GETC(c, p)     (c = Scm_Getc(SCM_PORT(p)))
c                  82 src/gauche/arith.h     (r) = (x) + (y) + (c);                                      \
c                  83 src/gauche/arith.h     (c) = ((r)<(x) || ((r)==(x) && ((y)>0||(c)>0)))? 1 : 0;     \
c                 136 src/gauche/arith.h     (r) = (x) - (y) - (c);                                      \
c                 137 src/gauche/arith.h     (c) = ((r)>(x) || ((r)==(x) && ((y)>0||(c)>0)))? 1 : 0;     \
c                  59 src/gauche/arith_i386.h         : "=&g" (r), "=&g" (c)                  \
c                  60 src/gauche/arith_i386.h         : "1" (c), "g"(x), "g"(y)               \
c                 110 src/gauche/arith_i386.h         : "=&r" (r), "=&r"(c)                   \
c                 111 src/gauche/arith_i386.h         : "1" (c), "g" (x), "g" (y))
c                1625 src/intlib.c      ScmObj c = SCM_OBJ(data[3]);
c                1632 src/intlib.c        SCM_RETURN(Scm_VMApply2(proc, SCM_CAR(lis), c));
c                1642 src/intlib.c     ScmObj c;
c                1649 src/intlib.c     c = (c_scm);
c                1656 src/intlib.c     data[3] = c;
c                1658 src/intlib.c     SCM_RETURN(Scm_VMApply2(proc, SCM_CAR(lis), c));
c                 175 src/main.c         int c;
c                 176 src/main.c         while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "+be:E:ip:ql:u:Vf:I:A:-")) >= 0) {
c                 177 src/main.c             switch (c) {
c                 190 src/main.c                 pre_cmds = Scm_Acons(SCM_MAKE_CHAR(c),
c                 261 src/number.c       ScmComplex *c = SCM_NEW_ATOMIC(ScmComplex);
c                 262 src/number.c       SCM_SET_CLASS(c, SCM_CLASS_COMPLEX);
c                 263 src/number.c       c->real = r;
c                 264 src/number.c       c->imag = i;
c                 265 src/number.c       return SCM_OBJ(c);
c                2238 src/number.c       char c;
c                2261 src/number.c           c = tolower(*str++);
c                2263 src/number.c               if (c == '#') digval = 0;
c                2265 src/number.c           } else if (digread && c == '#') {
c                2273 src/number.c                   if (c == *ptab) {
c                2515 src/number.c               int c = **strp;
c                2516 src/number.c               if (!isdigit(c)) break;
c                2518 src/number.c               if (isdigit(c)) {
c                2519 src/number.c                   exponent = exponent * 10 + (c - '0');
c                 626 src/port.c         int i, h, c;
c                 628 src/port.c         c = 0;
c                 632 src/port.c             i -= ++c; if (i<0) i+=PORT_VECTOR_SIZE;
c                 643 src/port.c         int i, h, c;
c                 647 src/port.c         c = 0;
c                 655 src/port.c             i -= ++c; if (i<0) i+=PORT_VECTOR_SIZE;
c                1127 src/port.c         int num_newlines = 0, c;
c                1137 src/port.c             c = Scm_GetbUnsafe(data->source);
c                1138 src/port.c             if (c == EOF) break;
c                1139 src/port.c             if (c == 0) {
c                1141 src/port.c                 Scm_UngetbUnsafe(c, data->source);
c                1144 src/port.c             SCM_DSTRING_PUTB(&ds, c);
c                1145 src/port.c             if (c == '\r') {   /* for the source that only uses '\r' */
c                1147 src/port.c             } else if (c == '\n' || cr_seen) {
c                 147 src/portapi.c      SHORTCUT(p, Scm_PutcUnsafe(c, p); return);
c                 153 src/portapi.c          nb = SCM_CHAR_NBYTES(c);
c                 158 src/portapi.c          SCM_CHAR_PUT(p->src.buf.current, c);
c                 161 src/portapi.c              if (c == '\n') {
c                 170 src/portapi.c          SCM_DSTRING_PUTC(&p->src.ostr, c);
c                 174 src/portapi.c          PORT_SAFE_CALL(p, p->src.vt.Putc(c, p));
c                 324 src/portapi.c      SHORTCUT(p, Scm_UngetcUnsafe(c, p); return);
c                 331 src/portapi.c      p->ungotten = c;
c                 530 src/portapi.c      int first, nb, c = 0, r = 0;
c                 541 src/portapi.c          c = p->ungotten;
c                 544 src/portapi.c          return c;
c                 588 src/portapi.c                  SCM_CHAR_GET(p->scratch, c);
c                 591 src/portapi.c                  SCM_CHAR_GET(p->src.buf.current-1, c);
c                 595 src/portapi.c              c = first;
c                 596 src/portapi.c              if (c == '\n') p->line++;
c                 599 src/portapi.c          return c;
c                 614 src/portapi.c              SCM_CHAR_GET(p->src.istr.current-1, c);
c                 617 src/portapi.c              c = first;
c                 618 src/portapi.c              if (c == '\n') p->line++;
c                 621 src/portapi.c          return c;
c                 623 src/portapi.c          SAFE_CALL(p, c = p->src.vt.Getc(p));
c                 624 src/portapi.c          if (c == '\n') p->line++;
c                 626 src/portapi.c          return c;
c                  69 src/proc.c         ScmClosure *c = SCM_NEW(ScmClosure);
c                  78 src/proc.c         SCM_SET_CLASS(c, SCM_CLASS_PROCEDURE);
c                  79 src/proc.c         SCM_PROCEDURE_INIT(c, req, opt, SCM_PROC_CLOSURE, info);
c                  80 src/proc.c         c->code = code;
c                  81 src/proc.c         c->env = env;
c                  82 src/proc.c         SCM_PROCEDURE(c)->inliner = SCM_COMPILED_CODE(code)->intermediateForm;
c                  84 src/proc.c         return SCM_OBJ(c);
c                  99 src/promise.c      ScmPromiseContent *c = SCM_NEW(ScmPromiseContent);
c                 101 src/promise.c      c->forced = forced;
c                 102 src/promise.c      c->code = code;
c                 103 src/promise.c      p->content = c;
c                 331 src/read.c         return (c >= 128 || (c >= 0 && (ctypes[(unsigned char)c]&1)));
c                 336 src/read.c         return (c >= 0 && c < 128 && (ctypes[(unsigned char)c]&2));
c                 343 src/read.c         ScmChar c, c1;
c                 345 src/read.c         for (c = Scm_GetcUnsafe(port);;) {
c                 346 src/read.c             switch (c) {
c                 351 src/read.c                 else c = c1;
c                 362 src/read.c                 else c = c1;
c                 370 src/read.c             c = Scm_GetcUnsafe(port);
c                 377 src/read.c             int c = Scm_GetcUnsafe(port);
c                 378 src/read.c             if (c == EOF) return c;
c                 379 src/read.c             if (c <= 256 && isspace(c)) continue;
c                 380 src/read.c             if (c == ';') {
c                 384 src/read.c                     c = Scm_GetbUnsafe(port);
c                 385 src/read.c                     if (c == '\n') {
c                 390 src/read.c                     if (c == EOF) return EOF;
c                 394 src/read.c             return c;
c                 400 src/read.c         int c = skipws(port, ctx);
c                 401 src/read.c         switch (c) {
c                 424 src/read.c                     return read_number(port, c, ctx);
c                 428 src/read.c                         c = Scm_GetcUnsafe(port);
c                 429 src/read.c                         if (c == '\n') return SCM_UNDEFINED;
c                 430 src/read.c                         if (c == EOF) return SCM_EOF;
c                 519 src/read.c             return read_symbol_or_number(port, c, ctx);
c                 527 src/read.c                 return read_symbol_or_number(port, c, ctx);
c                 533 src/read.c             return read_symbol_or_number(port, c, ctx);
c                 539 src/read.c             return read_symbol(port, c, ctx);
c                 561 src/read.c         int c, dot_seen = FALSE, ref_seen = FALSE;
c                 564 src/read.c             c = skipws(port, ctx);
c                 565 src/read.c             if (c == EOF) goto eoferr;
c                 566 src/read.c             if (c == closer) {
c                 573 src/read.c             if (c == '.') {
c                 589 src/read.c                 item = read_symbol_or_number(port, c, ctx);
c                 591 src/read.c                 Scm_UngetcUnsafe(c, port);
c                 678 src/read.c             int c, i;
c                 682 src/read.c                 if (incompletep) c = Scm_GetbUnsafe(port);
c                 683 src/read.c                 else c = Scm_GetcUnsafe(port);
c                 684 src/read.c                 if (c == EOF || c == '"') break;
c                 685 src/read.c                 if (c == '\\') {
c                 686 src/read.c                     if (incompletep) c = Scm_GetbUnsafe(port);
c                 687 src/read.c                     else c = Scm_GetcUnsafe(port);
c                 705 src/read.c         int c = 0;
c                 717 src/read.c             FETCH(c);
c                 718 src/read.c             switch (c) {
c                 755 src/read.c               default: ACCUMULATE(c); break;
c                 792 src/read.c         int c;
c                 798 src/read.c         c = Scm_GetcUnsafe(port);
c                 799 src/read.c         switch (c) {
c                 804 src/read.c             return SCM_MAKE_CHAR(c);
c                 807 src/read.c             name = SCM_STRING(read_word(port, c, ctx, TRUE));
c                 810 src/read.c                 return SCM_MAKE_CHAR(c);
c                 856 src/read.c         int c = 0;
c                 866 src/read.c             c = Scm_GetcUnsafe(port);
c                 867 src/read.c             if (c == EOF || !char_word_constituent(c)) {
c                 868 src/read.c                 Scm_UngetcUnsafe(c, port);
c                 871 src/read.c             if (case_fold && char_word_case_fold(c)) c = tolower(c);
c                 872 src/read.c             SCM_DSTRING_PUTC(&ds, c);
c                 909 src/read.c         int c = 0;
c                 914 src/read.c             c = Scm_GetcUnsafe(port);
c                 915 src/read.c             if (c == EOF) {
c                 917 src/read.c             } else if (c == delim) {
c                 920 src/read.c             } else if (c == '\\') {
c                 922 src/read.c                 c = Scm_GetcUnsafe(port);
c                 925 src/read.c                 if (c == EOF) goto err;
c                 926 src/read.c                 SCM_DSTRING_PUTC(&ds, c);
c                 928 src/read.c                 SCM_DSTRING_PUTC(&ds, c);
c                 944 src/read.c         ScmChar c = 0;
c                 948 src/read.c             c = Scm_GetcUnsafe(port);
c                 949 src/read.c             if (c == SCM_CHAR_INVALID) {
c                 952 src/read.c             if (c == '\\') {
c                 953 src/read.c                 SCM_DSTRING_PUTC(&ds, c);
c                 954 src/read.c                 c = Scm_GetcUnsafe(port);
c                 955 src/read.c                 if (c == SCM_CHAR_INVALID) {
c                 958 src/read.c                 SCM_DSTRING_PUTC(&ds, c);
c                 959 src/read.c             } else if (c == '/') {
c                 962 src/read.c                 c = Scm_GetcUnsafe(port);
c                 963 src/read.c                 if (c == 'i') flags |= SCM_REGEXP_CASE_FOLD;
c                 964 src/read.c                 else          Scm_UngetcUnsafe(c, port);
c                 967 src/read.c                 SCM_DSTRING_PUTC(&ds, c);
c                 406 src/regexp.c           int c, i;
c                 410 src/regexp.c               SCM_GETC(c, port);
c                 411 src/regexp.c               if (c == EOF || c == '/') break;
c                 412 src/regexp.c               if (c == '\\') SCM_GETC(c, port);
c                1691 src/regexp.c       unsigned char inch, c;
c                1695 src/regexp.c           c = *(*code)++;
c                1697 src/regexp.c               if (c != SCM_CHAR_DOWNCASE(inch)) return FALSE;
c                1699 src/regexp.c               if (c != inch) return FALSE;
c                2319 src/stdlib.c     ScmChar c;
c                2323 src/stdlib.c     c = SCM_CHAR_VALUE(c_scm);
c                2327 src/stdlib.c    SCM_RESULT = (SCM_CHAR_ASCII_P(c)&&isalpha(c));
c                2339 src/stdlib.c     ScmChar c;
c                2343 src/stdlib.c     c = SCM_CHAR_VALUE(c_scm);
c                2347 src/stdlib.c    SCM_RESULT = (SCM_CHAR_ASCII_P(c)&&isdigit(c));
c                2359 src/stdlib.c     ScmChar c;
c                2363 src/stdlib.c     c = SCM_CHAR_VALUE(c_scm);
c                2367 src/stdlib.c    SCM_RESULT = (SCM_CHAR_ASCII_P(c)&&isspace(c));
c                2379 src/stdlib.c     ScmChar c;
c                2383 src/stdlib.c     c = SCM_CHAR_VALUE(c_scm);
c                2387 src/stdlib.c   SCM_RESULT = SCM_CHAR_UPPER_P(c);
c                2399 src/stdlib.c     ScmChar c;
c                2403 src/stdlib.c     c = SCM_CHAR_VALUE(c_scm);
c                2407 src/stdlib.c   SCM_RESULT = SCM_CHAR_LOWER_P(c);
c                2419 src/stdlib.c     ScmChar c;
c                2423 src/stdlib.c     c = SCM_CHAR_VALUE(c_scm);
c                2427 src/stdlib.c    SCM_RESULT = ((signed long)c);
c                2439 src/stdlib.c     int c;
c                2443 src/stdlib.c     c = Scm_GetInteger(c_scm);
c                2447 src/stdlib.c    SCM_RESULT = ((ScmChar)c);
c                2459 src/stdlib.c     ScmChar c;
c                2463 src/stdlib.c     c = SCM_CHAR_VALUE(c_scm);
c                2467 src/stdlib.c   SCM_RESULT = SCM_CHAR_UPCASE(c);
c                2479 src/stdlib.c     ScmChar c;
c                2483 src/stdlib.c     c = SCM_CHAR_VALUE(c_scm);
c                2487 src/stdlib.c   SCM_RESULT = SCM_CHAR_DOWNCASE(c);
c                2520 src/stdlib.c     ScmChar c;
c                2534 src/stdlib.c     c = SCM_CHAR_VALUE(c_scm);
c                2538 src/stdlib.c   SCM_RESULT = Scm_MakeFillString(len, c);
c                2631 src/stdlib.c     ScmChar c;
c                2641 src/stdlib.c     c = SCM_CHAR_VALUE(c_scm);
c                2643 src/stdlib.c   ScmObj r = Scm_StringSet(str, k, c);
c                3049 src/stdlib.c     ScmChar c;
c                3063 src/stdlib.c     c = SCM_CHAR_VALUE(c_scm);
c                3079 src/stdlib.c   SCM_RESULT = Scm_StringFill(str, c, start, end);
c                 119 src/string.c       char c;
c                 122 src/string.c       while ((c = *p++) != 0) {
c                 123 src/string.c           int i = SCM_CHAR_NFOLLOWS(c);
c                 144 src/string.c           unsigned char c = (unsigned char)*str;
c                 145 src/string.c           int i = SCM_CHAR_NFOLLOWS(c);
c                 485 src/string.c           ScmChar c;
c                 486 src/string.c           SCM_CHAR_GET(p, c);
c                 487 src/string.c           return c;
c                  40 src/test-arith.c         c = c_;                                                 \
c                  43 src/test-arith.c         op(r, c, x, y);                                         \
c                  44 src/test-arith.c         if (r == rexp && c == cexp) {                           \
c                  49 src/test-arith.c                    ", c=" numfmt "\n", r, c);                   \
c                  63 src/test-arith.c         op(r, c, x, y);                                         \
c                  64 src/test-arith.c         if (c) {                                                \
c                  65 src/test-arith.c             if (cexp == c) printf("ok\n");                      \
c                  69 src/test-arith.c                        ", c=" numfmt "\n", r, c);               \
c                  88 src/test-arith.c     u_long r, c, x, y;
c                 125 src/test-arith.c     u_long r, c, x, y;
c                 154 src/test-arith.c     long r, c, x, y;
c                 201 src/test-arith.c     u_long r, c, x, y;
c                 238 src/test-arith.c     u_long r, c, x, y;
c                 265 src/test-arith.c     long r, c, x, y;
c                 347 src/test-arith.c     u_long r, c, x, y;
c                 382 src/test-arith.c     long r, c, x, y;
c                 830 src/vm.c                           int c;
c                 834 src/vm.c                           for (c=0; c<argc; c++) *t++ = *a++;
c                1227 src/vm.c                           int c;
c                1228 src/vm.c                           for (c=0; c<nargs; c++) *t++ = *a++;
c                1251 src/vm.c                           int c;
c                1252 src/vm.c                           for (c=0; c<nargs; c++) *t++ = *a++;
c                1864 src/vm.c                       ScmClass *c;
c                1868 src/vm.c                       c = SCM_CLASS(VAL0);
c                1875 src/vm.c                           VAL0 = Scm_VMIsA(obj, c);
c                1879 src/vm.c                           VAL0 = SCM_MAKE_BOOL(SCM_ISA(obj, c));
c                2481 src/vm.c       #define FORWARDED_CONT_P(c) ((c)&&((c)->size == -1))
c                2482 src/vm.c       #define FORWARDED_CONT(c)   ((c)->prev)
c                2544 src/vm.c           ScmContFrame *c = vm->cont, *prev = NULL, *tmp;
c                2553 src/vm.c           if (!IN_STACK_P((ScmObj*)c)) return;
c                2557 src/vm.c               int size = (CONT_FRAME_SIZE + c->size) * sizeof(ScmObj);
c                2561 src/vm.c               if (FORWARDED_ENV_P(c->env)) {
c                2562 src/vm.c                   c->env = FORWARDED_ENV(c->env);
c                2563 src/vm.c               } else if (IN_STACK_P((ScmObj*)c->env)) {
c                2564 src/vm.c                   c->env = save_env(vm, c->env);
c                2568 src/vm.c               if (c->argp) {
c                2569 src/vm.c                   *csave = *c; /* copy the frame */
c                2570 src/vm.c                   if (c->size) {
c                2572 src/vm.c                       s = c->argp;
c                2574 src/vm.c                       for (i=c->size; i>0; i--) {
c                2581 src/vm.c                   s = (ScmObj*)c;
c                2583 src/vm.c                   for (i=CONT_FRAME_SIZE + c->size; i>0; i--) {
c                2592 src/vm.c               tmp = c->prev;
c                2593 src/vm.c               c->prev = csave;
c                2594 src/vm.c               c->size = -1;
c                2595 src/vm.c               c = tmp;
c                2596 src/vm.c           } while (IN_STACK_P((ScmObj*)c));
c                2652 src/vm.c           ScmContFrame *c;
c                2657 src/vm.c               for (c = vm->cont; IN_STACK_P((ScmObj*)c); c = c->prev) {
c                2658 src/vm.c                   if (FORWARDED_ENV_P(c->env)) {
c                2659 src/vm.c                       c->env = FORWARDED_ENV(c->env);
c                3670 src/vm.c           ScmContFrame *c = vm->cont;
c                3676 src/vm.c           while (c) {
c                3677 src/vm.c               info = Scm_VMGetSourceInfo(c->base, c->pc);
c                3679 src/vm.c               c = c->prev;
c                3722 src/vm.c           ScmContFrame *c = vm->cont;
c                3733 src/vm.c           for (; c; c = c->prev) {
c                3734 src/vm.c               if (!SCM_PAIRP(c->info)) continue;
c                3735 src/vm.c               info = Scm_VMGetSourceInfo(c->info);
c                3736 src/vm.c               evec = env2vec(c->env, &envTab);
c                 272 src/write.c        ScmClass *c = Scm_ClassOf(obj);
c                 273 src/write.c        if (c->print) c->print(obj, out, ctx);
c                 994 src/write.c        int c, longp = 0, len, mode;
c                 996 src/write.c        while ((c = *fmtp++) != 0) {
c                 999 src/write.c            if (c != '%') {
c                1000 src/write.c                Scm_PutcUnsafe(c, out);
c                1005 src/write.c            SCM_DSTRING_PUTB(&argbuf, c);
c                1007 src/write.c            while ((c = *fmtp++) != 0) {
c                1008 src/write.c                switch (c) {
c                1011 src/write.c                    SCM_DSTRING_PUTB(&argbuf, c);
c                1019 src/write.c                        SCM_DSTRING_PUTB(&argbuf, c);
c                1032 src/write.c                        SCM_DSTRING_PUTB(&argbuf, c);
c                1045 src/write.c                        SCM_DSTRING_PUTB(&argbuf, c);
c                1081 src/write.c                        SCM_DSTRING_PUTB(&argbuf, c);
c                1096 src/write.c                        mode = (c == 'A')? SCM_WRITE_DISPLAY : SCM_WRITE_WRITE;
c                1135 src/write.c                        prec = prec*10 + (c - '0');
c                1137 src/write.c                        width = width*10 + (c - '0');
c                1148 src/write.c                    SCM_DSTRING_PUTB(&argbuf, c);
c                1153 src/write.c            if (c == 0) {
c                1164 src/write.c        int c;
c                1172 src/write.c        while ((c = *fmtp++) != 0) {
c                1173 src/write.c            if (c != '%') continue;
c                1174 src/write.c            while ((c = *fmtp++) != 0) {
c                1175 src/write.c                switch (c) {
c                1220 src/write.c                        int c = va_arg(ap, int);
c                1221 src/write.c                        SCM_APPEND1(h, t, Scm_MakeInteger(c));
c                1229 src/write.c            if (c == 0) {