
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. bsddb_print
  2. bsddb_allocate
  3. db_name_get
  4. db_name_set
  5. db_type_get
  6. db_type_set
  7. Scm_Init_bdbm

   1 /*
   2  * bsddb.c - BSD DB interface
   3  *
   4  *  Copyright(C) 2001 by Shiro Kawai (
   5  *
   6  *  Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute this software and
   7  *  accompanying documentation for any purpose is hereby granted,
   8  *  provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all
   9  *  copies and that this notice is included verbatim in all
  10  *  distributions.
  11  *  This software is provided as is, without express or implied
  12  *  warranty.  In no circumstances the author(s) shall be liable
  13  *  for any damages arising out of the use of this software.
  14  *
  15  *  $Id: bdbm.c,v 1.3 2005/07/22 09:26:54 shirok Exp $
  16  */
  18 #include "bsddb.h"
  19 #include <gauche/class.h>
  21 static ScmObj bsddb_allocate(ScmClass *klass, ScmObj initargs);
  22 static void   bsddb_print(ScmObj obj, ScmPort *port, ScmWriteContext *ctx);
  25                          bsddb_print, NULL, NULL,
  26                          bsddb_allocate,
  27                          SCM_CLASS_COLLECTION_CPL);
  29 static void bsddb_print(ScmObj obj, ScmPort *port, ScmWriteContext *ctx)
  30 {
  31     char *type;
  32     switch (SCM_BSD_DB_TYPE(obj)) {
  33     case DB_BTREE: type = "btree"; break;
  34     case DB_HASH:  type = "hash"; break;
  35     case DB_RECNO: type = "recno"; break;
  36     default: type = "unknown"; break;
  37     }
  38     Scm_Printf(port, "#<bsd-db:%s %S>", type, SCM_BSD_DB(obj)->name);
  39 }
  41 static ScmObj bsddb_allocate(ScmClass *klass, ScmObj initargs)
  42 {
  43     ScmBsdDb *db = SCM_NEW(ScmBsdDb);
  45     db->name      = SCM_FALSE;
  46     db->db        = NULL;
  47     db->type      = DB_UNKNOWN;
  48     db->flags     = 0;
  49     db->cachesize = 0;
  50     db->maxkeypage = 0;
  51     db->minkeypage = 0;
  52     db->psize     = 0;
  53     db->lorder    = 0;
  54     db->bsize     = 0;
  55     db->ffactor   = 0;
  56     db->nelem     = 0;
  57     db->reclen    = 0;
  58     db->bval      = 0;
  59     return SCM_OBJ(db);
  60 }
  62 static ScmObj db_name_get(ScmBsdDb *db)
  63 {
  64     return db->name;
  65 }
  67 static void   db_name_set(ScmBsdDb *db, ScmObj obj)
  68 {
  69     if (!SCM_STRINGPP(obj)) {
  70         Scm_Error("string required, but got %S", obj);
  71     }
  72     db->name = obj;
  73 }
  75 static ScmObj db_type_get(ScmBsdDb *db)
  76 {
  77     return SCM_MAKE_INT(db->type);
  78 }
  80 static void   db_type_set(ScmBsdDb *db, ScmObj obj)
  81 {
  82     if (!SCM_INTP(obj)) {
  83         Scm_Error("small integer required, but got %S", obj);
  84     }
  85     switch (SCM_INT_VALUE(obj)) {
  86     case DB_BTREE:;
  87     case DB_HASH:;
  88     case DB_RECNO:;
  89     case DB_UNKNOWN: db->type = SCM_INT_VALUE(obj); break;
  90     default:
  91         Scm_Error("invalid BSD DB type: %S", obj);
  92     }
  93 }
  95 #define CAT2(a, b)    a##b
  96 #define CAT3(a, b, c) a##b##c
  98 #define INTEGER_SLOT(name)                                      \
  99   static ScmObj CAT3(db_, name, _get)(ScmBsdDb *db)             \
 100   {                                                             \
 101     return SCM_MAKE_INT(db->name);                              \
 102   }                                                             \
 103   static void   CAT3(db_, name, _set)(ScmBsdDb *db, ScmObj obj) \
 104   {                                                             \
 105     if (!SCM_INTP(obj)) {                                       \
 106         Scm_Error("small integer required, but got %S", obj);   \
 107     }                                                           \
 108     db->name = SCM_INT_VALUE(obj);                              \
 109   }
 111 INTEGER_SLOT(flags)
 112 INTEGER_SLOT(cachesize)
 113 INTEGER_SLOT(maxkeypage)
 114 INTEGER_SLOT(minkeypage)
 115 INTEGER_SLOT(psize)
 116 INTEGER_SLOT(lorder)
 117 INTEGER_SLOT(bsize)
 118 INTEGER_SLOT(ffactor)
 119 INTEGER_SLOT(nelem)
 120 INTEGER_SLOT(reclen)
 121 INTEGER_SLOT(bval)
 123 static ScmClassStaticSlotSpec db_slots[] = {
 124     SCM_CLASS_SLOT_SPEC("name", db_name_get, db_name_set),
 125     SCM_CLASS_SLOT_SPEC("type", db_type_get, db_type_set),
 126     SCM_CLASS_SLOT_SPEC("flags", db_flags_get, db_flags_set),
 127     SCM_CLASS_SLOT_SPEC("cachesize", db_cachesize_get, db_cachesize_set),
 128     SCM_CLASS_SLOT_SPEC("maxkeypage", db_maxkeypage_get, db_maxkeypage_set),
 129     SCM_CLASS_SLOT_SPEC("minkeypage", db_minkeypage_get, db_minkeypage_set),
 130     SCM_CLASS_SLOT_SPEC("psize", db_psize_get, db_psize_set),
 131     SCM_CLASS_SLOT_SPEC("lorder", db_lorder_get, db_lorder_set),
 132     SCM_CLASS_SLOT_SPEC("bsize", db_bsize_get, db_bsize_set),
 133     SCM_CLASS_SLOT_SPEC("ffactor", db_ffactor_get, db_ffactor_set),
 134     SCM_CLASS_SLOT_SPEC("nelem", db_nelem_get, db_nelem_set),
 135     SCM_CLASS_SLOT_SPEC("reclen", db_reclen_get, db_reclen_set),
 136     SCM_CLASS_SLOT_SPEC("bval", db_bval_get, db_bval_set),
 137     { NULL }
 138 };
 140 void Scm_Init_bdbm(void)
 141 {
 142     ScmModule *mod = SCM_FIND_MODULE("dbm.bdbm", SCM_FIND_MODULE_CREATE);
 143     Scm_InitStaticClass(&Scm_BsdDbClass, "<bsd-db>",
 144                         mod, db_slots, 0);
 145     Scm_Init_bsddb(mod);
 146 }

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */