GC_collecting     610 gc/aix_irix_threads.c VOLATILE GC_bool GC_collecting = 0; /* A hint that we're in the collector and       */
GC_collecting     642 gc/aix_irix_threads.c         if (GC_collecting) goto yield;
GC_collecting     666 gc/include/private/gc_locks.h     extern VOLATILE GC_bool GC_collecting;
GC_collecting     667 gc/include/private/gc_locks.h #   define ENTER_GC() GC_collecting = 1;
GC_collecting     668 gc/include/private/gc_locks.h #   define EXIT_GC() GC_collecting = 0;
GC_collecting    1330 gc/pthread_support.c VOLATILE GC_bool GC_collecting = 0;
GC_collecting    1421 gc/pthread_support.c         if (GC_collecting || GC_nprocs == 1) goto yield;
GC_collecting    1471 gc/pthread_support.c     if (1 == GC_nprocs || GC_collecting) {