
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. GC_test_and_set
  2. GC_test_and_set
  3. GC_clear
  4. GC_test_and_set
  5. GC_test_and_set
  6. GC_test_and_set
  7. GC_test_and_set
  8. GC_clear
  9. GC_test_and_set
  10. GC_clear
  11. GC_test_and_set
  12. GC_test_and_set
  13. GC_test_and_set
  14. GC_memsync
  15. GC_test_and_set
  16. GC_clear
  17. GC_clear
  18. GC_compare_and_exchange
  19. GC_memory_barrier
  20. GC_compare_and_exchange
  21. GC_compare_and_exchange
  22. GC_memory_barrier
  23. GC_compare_and_exchange
  24. GC_memory_barrier
  25. GC_compare_and_exchange
  26. GC_compare_and_exchange
  27. GC_memory_barrier
  28. GC_compare_and_exchange
  29. GC_atomic_add

   1 /* 
   2  * Copyright 1988, 1989 Hans-J. Boehm, Alan J. Demers
   3  * Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.
   4  * Copyright (c) 1996-1999 by Silicon Graphics.  All rights reserved.
   5  * Copyright (c) 1999 by Hewlett-Packard Company. All rights reserved.
   6  *
   7  *
  10  *
  11  * Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program
  12  * for any purpose,  provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
  13  * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
  14  * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
  15  * modified is included with the above copyright notice.
  16  */
  18 #ifndef GC_LOCKS_H
  19 #define GC_LOCKS_H
  21 /*
  22  * Mutual exclusion between allocator/collector routines.
  23  * Needed if there is more than one allocator thread.
  24  * FASTLOCK() is assumed to try to acquire the lock in a cheap and
  25  * dirty way that is acceptable for a few instructions, e.g. by
  26  * inhibiting preemption.  This is assumed to have succeeded only
  27  * if a subsequent call to FASTLOCK_SUCCEEDED() returns TRUE.
  28  * FASTUNLOCK() is called whether or not FASTLOCK_SUCCEEDED().
  29  * If signals cannot be tolerated with the FASTLOCK held, then
  30  * FASTLOCK should disable signals.  The code executed under
  31  * FASTLOCK is otherwise immune to interruption, provided it is
  32  * not restarted.
  33  * DCL_LOCK_STATE declares any local variables needed by LOCK and UNLOCK
  35  * (There is currently no equivalent for FASTLOCK.)
  36  *
  37  * In the PARALLEL_MARK case, we also need to define a number of
  38  * other inline finctions here:
  39  *   GC_bool GC_compare_and_exchange( volatile GC_word *addr,
  40  *                                    GC_word old, GC_word new )
  41  *   GC_word GC_atomic_add( volatile GC_word *addr, GC_word how_much )
  42  *   void GC_memory_barrier( )
  43  *   
  44  */  
  45 # ifdef THREADS
  46    void GC_noop1 GC_PROTO((word));
  47 #  ifdef PCR_OBSOLETE   /* Faster, but broken with multiple lwp's       */
  48 #    include  "th/PCR_Th.h"
  49 #    include  "th/PCR_ThCrSec.h"
  50      extern struct PCR_Th_MLRep GC_allocate_ml;
  51 #    define DCL_LOCK_STATE  PCR_sigset_t GC_old_sig_mask
  52 #    define LOCK() PCR_Th_ML_Acquire(&GC_allocate_ml) 
  53 #    define UNLOCK() PCR_Th_ML_Release(&GC_allocate_ml)
  54 #    define UNLOCK() PCR_Th_ML_Release(&GC_allocate_ml)
  55 #    define FASTLOCK() PCR_ThCrSec_EnterSys()
  56      /* Here we cheat (a lot): */
  57 #        define FASTLOCK_SUCCEEDED() (*(int *)(&GC_allocate_ml) == 0)
  58                 /* TRUE if nobody currently holds the lock */
  59 #    define FASTUNLOCK() PCR_ThCrSec_ExitSys()
  60 #  endif
  61 #  ifdef PCR
  62 #    include <base/PCR_Base.h>
  63 #    include <th/PCR_Th.h>
  64      extern PCR_Th_ML GC_allocate_ml;
  65 #    define DCL_LOCK_STATE \
  66          PCR_ERes GC_fastLockRes; PCR_sigset_t GC_old_sig_mask
  67 #    define LOCK() PCR_Th_ML_Acquire(&GC_allocate_ml)
  68 #    define UNLOCK() PCR_Th_ML_Release(&GC_allocate_ml)
  69 #    define FASTLOCK() (GC_fastLockRes = PCR_Th_ML_Try(&GC_allocate_ml))
  70 #    define FASTLOCK_SUCCEEDED() (GC_fastLockRes == PCR_ERes_okay)
  71 #    define FASTUNLOCK()  {\
  72         if( FASTLOCK_SUCCEEDED() ) PCR_Th_ML_Release(&GC_allocate_ml); }
  73 #  endif
  74 #  ifdef SRC_M3
  75      extern GC_word RT0u__inCritical;
  76 #    define LOCK() RT0u__inCritical++
  77 #    define UNLOCK() RT0u__inCritical--
  78 #  endif
  79 #  ifdef GC_SOLARIS_THREADS
  80 #    include <thread.h>
  81 #    include <signal.h>
  82      extern mutex_t GC_allocate_ml;
  83 #    define LOCK() mutex_lock(&GC_allocate_ml);
  84 #    define UNLOCK() mutex_unlock(&GC_allocate_ml);
  85 #  endif
  87 /* Try to define GC_TEST_AND_SET and a matching GC_CLEAR for spin lock  */
  88 /* acquisition and release.  We need this for correct operation of the  */
  89 /* incremental GC.                                                      */
  90 #  ifdef __GNUC__
  91 #    if defined(I386)
  92        inline static int GC_test_and_set(volatile unsigned int *addr) {
  93           int oldval;
  94           /* Note: the "xchg" instruction does not need a "lock" prefix */
  95           __asm__ __volatile__("xchgl %0, %1"
  96                 : "=r"(oldval), "=m"(*(addr))
  97                 : "0"(1), "m"(*(addr)) : "memory");
  98           return oldval;
  99        }
 100 #      define GC_TEST_AND_SET_DEFINED
 101 #    endif
 102 #    if defined(IA64)
 103 #      if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
 104 #        include <ia64intrin.h>
 105 #      endif
 106        inline static int GC_test_and_set(volatile unsigned int *addr) {
 107           long oldval, n = 1;
 108 #       ifndef __INTEL_COMPILER
 109           __asm__ __volatile__("xchg4 %0=%1,%2"
 110                 : "=r"(oldval), "=m"(*addr)
 111                 : "r"(n), "1"(*addr) : "memory");
 112 #       else
 113           oldval = _InterlockedExchange(addr, n);
 114 #       endif
 115           return oldval;
 116        }
 117 #      define GC_TEST_AND_SET_DEFINED
 118        /* Should this handle post-increment addressing?? */
 119        inline static void GC_clear(volatile unsigned int *addr) {
 120 #       ifndef __INTEL_COMPILER
 121          __asm__ __volatile__("st4.rel %0=r0" : "=m" (*addr) : : "memory");
 122 #       else
 123         // there is no st4 but I can use xchg I hope
 124          _InterlockedExchange(addr, 0);
 125 #       endif
 126        }
 127 #      define GC_CLEAR_DEFINED
 128 #    endif
 129 #    ifdef SPARC
 130        inline static int GC_test_and_set(volatile unsigned int *addr) {
 131          int oldval;
 133          __asm__ __volatile__("ldstub %1,%0"
 134          : "=r"(oldval), "=m"(*addr)
 135          : "m"(*addr) : "memory");
 136          return oldval;
 137        }
 138 #      define GC_TEST_AND_SET_DEFINED
 139 #    endif
 140 #    ifdef M68K
 141        /* Contributed by Tony Mantler.  I'm not sure how well it was    */
 142        /* tested.                                                       */
 143        inline static int GC_test_and_set(volatile unsigned int *addr) {
 144           char oldval; /* this must be no longer than 8 bits */
 146           /* The return value is semi-phony. */
 147           /* 'tas' sets bit 7 while the return */
 148           /* value pretends bit 0 was set */
 149           __asm__ __volatile__(
 150                  "tas %1@; sne %0; negb %0"
 151                  : "=d" (oldval)
 152                  : "a" (addr) : "memory");
 153           return oldval;
 154        }
 155 #      define GC_TEST_AND_SET_DEFINED
 156 #    endif
 157 #    if defined(POWERPC)
 158 #     if CPP_WORDSZ == 64
 159         inline static int GC_test_and_set(volatile unsigned int *addr) {
 160           unsigned long oldval;
 161           unsigned long temp = 1; /* locked value */
 163           __asm__ __volatile__(
 164                "1:\tldarx %0,0,%3\n"   /* load and reserve               */
 165                "\tcmpdi %0, 0\n"       /* if load is                     */
 166                "\tbne 2f\n"            /*   non-zero, return already set */
 167                "\tstdcx. %2,0,%1\n"    /* else store conditional         */
 168                "\tbne- 1b\n"           /* retry if lost reservation      */
 169                "\tsync\n"              /* import barrier                 */
 170                "2:\t\n"                /* oldval is zero if we set       */
 171               : "=&r"(oldval), "=p"(addr)
 172               : "r"(temp), "1"(addr)
 173               : "cr0","memory");
 174           return (int)oldval;
 175         }
 176 #     else
 177         inline static int GC_test_and_set(volatile unsigned int *addr) {
 178           int oldval;
 179           int temp = 1; /* locked value */
 181           __asm__ __volatile__(
 182                "1:\tlwarx %0,0,%3\n"   /* load and reserve               */
 183                "\tcmpwi %0, 0\n"       /* if load is                     */
 184                "\tbne 2f\n"            /*   non-zero, return already set */
 185                "\tstwcx. %2,0,%1\n"    /* else store conditional         */
 186                "\tbne- 1b\n"           /* retry if lost reservation      */
 187                "\tsync\n"              /* import barrier                 */
 188                "2:\t\n"                /* oldval is zero if we set       */
 189               : "=&r"(oldval), "=p"(addr)
 190               : "r"(temp), "1"(addr)
 191               : "cr0","memory");
 192           return oldval;
 193         }
 194 #     endif
 195 #     define GC_TEST_AND_SET_DEFINED
 196       inline static void GC_clear(volatile unsigned int *addr) {
 197         __asm__ __volatile__("lwsync" : : : "memory");
 198         *(addr) = 0;
 199       }
 200 #     define GC_CLEAR_DEFINED
 201 #    endif
 202 #    if defined(ALPHA) 
 203         inline static int GC_test_and_set(volatile unsigned int * addr)
 204         {
 205           unsigned long oldvalue;
 206           unsigned long temp;
 208           __asm__ __volatile__(
 209                              "1:     ldl_l %0,%1\n"
 210                              "       and %0,%3,%2\n"
 211                              "       bne %2,2f\n"
 212                              "       xor %0,%3,%0\n"
 213                              "       stl_c %0,%1\n"
 214 #       ifdef __ELF__
 215                              "       beq %0,3f\n"
 216 #       else
 217                              "       beq %0,1b\n"
 218 #       endif
 219                              "       mb\n"
 220                              "2:\n"
 221 #       ifdef __ELF__
 222                              ".section .text2,\"ax\"\n"
 223                              "3:     br 1b\n"
 224                              ".previous"
 225 #       endif
 226                              :"=&r" (temp), "=m" (*addr), "=&r" (oldvalue)
 227                              :"Ir" (1), "m" (*addr)
 228                              :"memory");
 230           return oldvalue;
 231         }
 232 #       define GC_TEST_AND_SET_DEFINED
 233         inline static void GC_clear(volatile unsigned int *addr) {
 234           __asm__ __volatile__("mb" : : : "memory");
 235           *(addr) = 0;
 236         }
 237 #       define GC_CLEAR_DEFINED
 238 #    endif /* ALPHA */
 239 #    ifdef ARM32
 240         inline static int GC_test_and_set(volatile unsigned int *addr) {
 241           int oldval;
 242           /* SWP on ARM is very similar to XCHG on x86.  Doesn't lock the
 243            * bus because there are no SMP ARM machines.  If/when there are,
 244            * this code will likely need to be updated. */
 245           /* See linuxthreads/sysdeps/arm/pt-machine.h in glibc-2.1 */
 246           __asm__ __volatile__("swp %0, %1, [%2]"
 247                              : "=r"(oldval)
 248                              : "r"(1), "r"(addr)
 249                              : "memory");
 250           return oldval;
 251         }
 252 #       define GC_TEST_AND_SET_DEFINED
 253 #    endif /* ARM32 */
 254 #    ifdef CRIS
 255         inline static int GC_test_and_set(volatile unsigned int *addr) {
 256           /* Ripped from linuxthreads/sysdeps/cris/pt-machine.h.        */
 257           /* Included with Hans-Peter Nilsson's permission.             */
 258           register unsigned long int ret;
 260           /* Note the use of a dummy output of *addr to expose the write.
 261            * The memory barrier is to stop *other* writes being moved past
 262            * this code.
 263            */
 264             __asm__ __volatile__("clearf\n"
 265                                  "0:\n\t"
 266                                  "movu.b [%2],%0\n\t"
 267                                  "ax\n\t"
 268                                  "move.b %3,[%2]\n\t"
 269                                  "bwf 0b\n\t"
 270                                  "clearf"
 271                                  : "=&r" (ret), "=m" (*addr)
 272                                  : "r" (addr), "r" ((int) 1), "m" (*addr)
 273                                  : "memory");
 274             return ret;
 275         }
 276 #       define GC_TEST_AND_SET_DEFINED
 277 #    endif /* CRIS */
 278 #    ifdef S390
 279        inline static int GC_test_and_set(volatile unsigned int *addr) {
 280          int ret;
 281          __asm__ __volatile__ (
 282           "     l     %0,0(%2)\n"
 283           "0:   cs    %0,%1,0(%2)\n"
 284           "     jl    0b"
 285           : "=&d" (ret)
 286           : "d" (1), "a" (addr)
 287           : "cc", "memory");
 288          return ret;
 289        }
 290 #    endif
 291 #  endif /* __GNUC__ */
 292 #  if (defined(ALPHA) && !defined(__GNUC__))
 293 #    ifndef OSF1
 294         --> We currently assume that if gcc is not used, we are
 295         --> running under Tru64.
 296 #    endif
 297 #    include <machine/builtins.h>
 298 #    include <c_asm.h>
 299 #    define GC_test_and_set(addr) __ATOMIC_EXCH_LONG(addr, 1)
 300 #    define GC_TEST_AND_SET_DEFINED
 301 #    define GC_clear(addr) { asm("mb"); *(volatile unsigned *)addr = 0; }
 302 #    define GC_CLEAR_DEFINED
 303 #  endif
 304 #  if defined(MSWIN32)
 305 #    define GC_test_and_set(addr) InterlockedExchange((LPLONG)addr,1)
 306 #    define GC_TEST_AND_SET_DEFINED
 307 #  endif
 308 #  ifdef MIPS
 309 #    ifdef LINUX
 310 #      include <sys/tas.h>
 311 #      define GC_test_and_set(addr) _test_and_set((int *) addr,1)
 312 #      define GC_TEST_AND_SET_DEFINED
 313 #    elif __mips < 3 || !(defined (_ABIN32) || defined(_ABI64)) \
 314         || !defined(_COMPILER_VERSION) || _COMPILER_VERSION < 700
 315 #        ifdef __GNUC__
 316 #          define GC_test_and_set(addr) _test_and_set((void *)addr,1)
 317 #        else
 318 #          define GC_test_and_set(addr) test_and_set((void *)addr,1)
 319 #        endif
 320 #    else
 321 #        include <sgidefs.h>
 322 #        include <mutex.h>
 323 #        define GC_test_and_set(addr) __test_and_set32((void *)addr,1)
 324 #        define GC_clear(addr) __lock_release(addr);
 325 #        define GC_CLEAR_DEFINED
 326 #    endif
 327 #    define GC_TEST_AND_SET_DEFINED
 328 #  endif /* MIPS */
 329 #  if defined(_AIX)
 330 #    include <sys/atomic_op.h>
 331 #    if (defined(_POWER) || defined(_POWERPC)) 
 332 #      if defined(__GNUC__)  
 333          inline static void GC_memsync() {
 334            __asm__ __volatile__ ("sync" : : : "memory");
 335          }
 336 #      else
 337 #        ifndef inline
 338 #          define inline __inline
 339 #        endif
 340 #        pragma mc_func GC_memsync { \
 341            "7c0004ac" /* sync (same opcode used for dcs)*/ \
 342          }
 343 #      endif
 344 #    else 
 345 #    error dont know how to memsync
 346 #    endif
 347      inline static int GC_test_and_set(volatile unsigned int * addr) {
 348           int oldvalue = 0;
 349           if (compare_and_swap((void *)addr, &oldvalue, 1)) {
 350             GC_memsync();
 351             return 0;
 352           } else return 1;
 353      }
 354 #    define GC_TEST_AND_SET_DEFINED
 355      inline static void GC_clear(volatile unsigned int *addr) {
 356           GC_memsync();
 357           *(addr) = 0;
 358      }
 359 #    define GC_CLEAR_DEFINED
 361 #  endif
 362 #  if 0 /* defined(HP_PA) */
 363      /* The official recommendation seems to be to not use ldcw from    */
 364      /* user mode.  Since multithreaded incremental collection doesn't  */
 365      /* work anyway on HP_PA, this shouldn't be a major loss.           */
 367      /* "set" means 0 and "clear" means 1 here.         */
 368 #    define GC_test_and_set(addr) !GC_test_and_clear(addr);
 369 #    define GC_TEST_AND_SET_DEFINED
 370 #    define GC_clear(addr) GC_noop1((word)(addr)); *(volatile unsigned int *)addr = 1;
 371         /* The above needs a memory barrier! */
 372 #    define GC_CLEAR_DEFINED
 373 #  endif
 374 #  if defined(GC_TEST_AND_SET_DEFINED) && !defined(GC_CLEAR_DEFINED)
 375 #    ifdef __GNUC__
 376        inline static void GC_clear(volatile unsigned int *addr) {
 377          /* Try to discourage gcc from moving anything past this. */
 378          __asm__ __volatile__(" " : : : "memory");
 379          *(addr) = 0;
 380        }
 381 #    else
 382             /* The function call in the following should prevent the    */
 383             /* compiler from moving assignments to below the UNLOCK.    */
 384 #      define GC_clear(addr) GC_noop1((word)(addr)); \
 385                              *((volatile unsigned int *)(addr)) = 0;
 386 #    endif
 387 #    define GC_CLEAR_DEFINED
 388 #  endif /* !GC_CLEAR_DEFINED */
 390 #  if !defined(GC_TEST_AND_SET_DEFINED)
 391 #    define USE_PTHREAD_LOCKS
 392 #  endif
 394 #  if defined(GC_PTHREADS) && !defined(GC_SOLARIS_THREADS) \
 395       && !defined(GC_WIN32_THREADS)
 396 #    define NO_THREAD (pthread_t)(-1)
 397 #    include <pthread.h>
 398 #    if defined(PARALLEL_MARK) 
 399       /* We need compare-and-swap to update mark bits, where it's       */
 400       /* performance critical.  If USE_MARK_BYTES is defined, it is     */
 401       /* no longer needed for this purpose.  However we use it in       */
 402       /* either case to implement atomic fetch-and-add, though that's   */
 403       /* less performance critical, and could perhaps be done with      */
 404       /* a lock.                                                        */
 405 #     if defined(GENERIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP)
 406         /* Probably not useful, except for debugging.   */
 407         /* We do use GENERIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP on PA_RISC, but we        */
 408         /* minimize its use.                                            */
 409         extern pthread_mutex_t GC_compare_and_swap_lock;
 411         /* Note that if GC_word updates are not atomic, a concurrent    */
 412         /* reader should acquire GC_compare_and_swap_lock.  On          */
 413         /* currently supported platforms, such updates are atomic.      */
 414         extern GC_bool GC_compare_and_exchange(volatile GC_word *addr,
 415                                                GC_word old, GC_word new_val);
 416 #     endif /* GENERIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP */
 417 #     if defined(I386)
 418 #      if !defined(GENERIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP)
 419          /* Returns TRUE if the comparison succeeded. */
 420          inline static GC_bool GC_compare_and_exchange(volatile GC_word *addr,
 421                                                        GC_word old,
 422                                                        GC_word new_val) 
 423          {
 424            char result;
 425            __asm__ __volatile__("lock; cmpxchgl %2, %0; setz %1"
 426                 : "+m"(*(addr)), "=r"(result)
 427                 : "r" (new_val), "a"(old) : "memory");
 428            return (GC_bool) result;
 429          }
 430 #      endif /* !GENERIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP */
 431        inline static void GC_memory_barrier()
 432        {
 433          /* We believe the processor ensures at least processor */
 434          /* consistent ordering.  Thus a compiler barrier       */
 435          /* should suffice.                                     */
 436          __asm__ __volatile__("" : : : "memory");
 437        }
 438 #     endif /* I386 */
 440 #     if defined(POWERPC)
 441 #      if !defined(GENERIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP)
 442 #       if CPP_WORDSZ == 64
 443         /* Returns TRUE if the comparison succeeded. */
 444         inline static GC_bool GC_compare_and_exchange(volatile GC_word *addr,
 445             GC_word old, GC_word new_val) 
 446         {
 447             unsigned long result, dummy;
 448             __asm__ __volatile__(
 449                 "1:\tldarx %0,0,%5\n"
 450                   "\tcmpd %0,%4\n"
 451                   "\tbne  2f\n"
 452                   "\tstdcx. %3,0,%2\n"
 453                   "\tbne- 1b\n"
 454                   "\tsync\n"
 455                   "\tli %1, 1\n"
 456                   "\tb 3f\n"
 457                 "2:\tli %1, 0\n"
 458                 "3:\t\n"
 459                 :  "=&r" (dummy), "=r" (result), "=p" (addr)
 460                 :  "r" (new_val), "r" (old), "2"(addr)
 461                 : "cr0","memory");
 462             return (GC_bool) result;
 463         }
 464 #       else
 465         /* Returns TRUE if the comparison succeeded. */
 466         inline static GC_bool GC_compare_and_exchange(volatile GC_word *addr,
 467             GC_word old, GC_word new_val) 
 468         {
 469             int result, dummy;
 470             __asm__ __volatile__(
 471                 "1:\tlwarx %0,0,%5\n"
 472                   "\tcmpw %0,%4\n"
 473                   "\tbne  2f\n"
 474                   "\tstwcx. %3,0,%2\n"
 475                   "\tbne- 1b\n"
 476                   "\tsync\n"
 477                   "\tli %1, 1\n"
 478                   "\tb 3f\n"
 479                 "2:\tli %1, 0\n"
 480                 "3:\t\n"
 481                 :  "=&r" (dummy), "=r" (result), "=p" (addr)
 482                 :  "r" (new_val), "r" (old), "2"(addr)
 483                 : "cr0","memory");
 484             return (GC_bool) result;
 485         }
 486 #       endif
 487 #      endif /* !GENERIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP */
 488         inline static void GC_memory_barrier()
 489         {
 490             __asm__ __volatile__("sync" : : : "memory");
 491         }
 492 #     endif /* POWERPC */
 494 #     if defined(IA64)
 495 #      if !defined(GENERIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP)
 496          inline static GC_bool GC_compare_and_exchange(volatile GC_word *addr,
 497                                                        GC_word old, GC_word new_val) 
 498          {
 499           unsigned long oldval;
 500 #         if CPP_WORDSZ == 32
 501             __asm__ __volatile__(
 502                   "addp4 %0=0,%1\n"
 503                   "mov ar.ccv=%3 ;; cmpxchg4.rel %0=[%0],%2,ar.ccv"
 504                   : "=&r"(oldval)
 505                   : "r"(addr), "r"(new_val), "r"(old) : "memory");
 506 #         else
 507             __asm__ __volatile__(
 508                   "mov ar.ccv=%3 ;; cmpxchg8.rel %0=[%1],%2,ar.ccv"
 509                   : "=r"(oldval)
 510                   : "r"(addr), "r"(new_val), "r"(old) : "memory");
 511 #         endif
 512           return (oldval == old);
 513          }
 514 #      endif /* !GENERIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP */
 515 #      if 0
 516         /* Shouldn't be needed; we use volatile stores instead. */
 517         inline static void GC_memory_barrier()
 518         {
 519           __asm__ __volatile__("mf" : : : "memory");
 520         }
 521 #      endif /* 0 */
 522 #     endif /* IA64 */
 523 #     if defined(ALPHA)
 524 #      if !defined(GENERIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP)
 525 #        if defined(__GNUC__)
 526            inline static GC_bool GC_compare_and_exchange(volatile GC_word *addr,
 527                                                          GC_word old, GC_word new_val) 
 528            {
 529              unsigned long was_equal;
 530              unsigned long temp;
 532              __asm__ __volatile__(
 533                              "1:     ldq_l %0,%1\n"
 534                              "       cmpeq %0,%4,%2\n"
 535                              "       mov %3,%0\n"
 536                              "       beq %2,2f\n"
 537                              "       stq_c %0,%1\n"
 538                              "       beq %0,1b\n"
 539                              "2:\n"
 540                              "       mb\n"
 541                              :"=&r" (temp), "=m" (*addr), "=&r" (was_equal)
 542                              : "r" (new_val), "Ir" (old)
 543                              :"memory");
 544              return was_equal;
 545            }
 546 #        else /* !__GNUC__ */
 547            inline static GC_bool GC_compare_and_exchange(volatile GC_word *addr,
 548                                                          GC_word old, GC_word new_val) 
 549           {
 550             return __CMP_STORE_QUAD(addr, old, new_val, addr);
 551           }
 552 #        endif /* !__GNUC__ */
 553 #      endif /* !GENERIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP */
 554 #      ifdef __GNUC__
 555          inline static void GC_memory_barrier()
 556          {
 557            __asm__ __volatile__("mb" : : : "memory");
 558          }
 559 #      else
 560 #        define GC_memory_barrier() asm("mb")
 561 #      endif /* !__GNUC__ */
 562 #     endif /* ALPHA */
 563 #     if defined(S390)
 564 #      if !defined(GENERIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP)
 565          inline static GC_bool GC_compare_and_exchange(volatile C_word *addr,
 566                                          GC_word old, GC_word new_val)
 567          {
 568            int retval;
 569            __asm__ __volatile__ (
 570 #            ifndef __s390x__
 571                "     cs  %1,%2,0(%3)\n"
 572 #            else
 573                "     csg %1,%2,0(%3)\n"
 574 #            endif
 575              "     ipm %0\n"
 576              "     srl %0,28\n"
 577              : "=&d" (retval), "+d" (old)
 578              : "d" (new_val), "a" (addr)
 579              : "cc", "memory");
 580            return retval == 0;
 581          }
 582 #      endif
 583 #     endif
 584 #     if !defined(GENERIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP)
 585         /* Returns the original value of *addr. */
 586         inline static GC_word GC_atomic_add(volatile GC_word *addr,
 587                                             GC_word how_much)
 588         {
 589           GC_word old;
 590           do {
 591             old = *addr;
 592           } while (!GC_compare_and_exchange(addr, old, old+how_much));
 593           return old;
 594         }
 595 #     else /* GENERIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP */
 596         /* So long as a GC_word can be atomically updated, it should    */
 597         /* be OK to read *addr without a lock.                          */
 598         extern GC_word GC_atomic_add(volatile GC_word *addr, GC_word how_much);
 599 #     endif /* GENERIC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP */
 601 #    endif /* PARALLEL_MARK */
 603 #    if !defined(THREAD_LOCAL_ALLOC) && !defined(USE_PTHREAD_LOCKS)
 604       /* In the THREAD_LOCAL_ALLOC case, the allocation lock tends to   */
 605       /* be held for long periods, if it is held at all.  Thus spinning */
 606       /* and sleeping for fixed periods are likely to result in         */
 607       /* significant wasted time.  We thus rely mostly on queued locks. */
 608 #     define USE_SPIN_LOCK
 609       extern volatile unsigned int GC_allocate_lock;
 610       extern void GC_lock(void);
 611         /* Allocation lock holder.  Only set if acquired by client through */
 612         /* GC_call_with_alloc_lock.                                        */
 613 #     ifdef GC_ASSERTIONS
 614 #        define LOCK() \
 615                 { if (GC_test_and_set(&GC_allocate_lock)) GC_lock(); \
 616                   SET_LOCK_HOLDER(); }
 617 #        define UNLOCK() \
 618                 { GC_ASSERT(I_HOLD_LOCK()); UNSET_LOCK_HOLDER(); \
 619                   GC_clear(&GC_allocate_lock); }
 620 #     else
 621 #        define LOCK() \
 622                 { if (GC_test_and_set(&GC_allocate_lock)) GC_lock(); }
 623 #        define UNLOCK() \
 624                 GC_clear(&GC_allocate_lock)
 625 #     endif /* !GC_ASSERTIONS */
 626 #     if 0
 627         /* Another alternative for OSF1 might be:               */
 628 #       include <sys/mman.h>
 629         extern msemaphore GC_allocate_semaphore;
 630 #       define LOCK() { if (msem_lock(&GC_allocate_semaphore, MSEM_IF_NOWAIT) \
 631                             != 0) GC_lock(); else GC_allocate_lock = 1; }
 632         /* The following is INCORRECT, since the memory model is too weak. */
 633         /* Is this true?  Presumably msem_unlock has the right semantics?  */
 634         /*              - HB                                               */
 635 #       define UNLOCK() { GC_allocate_lock = 0; \
 636                           msem_unlock(&GC_allocate_semaphore, 0); }
 637 #     endif /* 0 */
 639 #      ifndef USE_PTHREAD_LOCKS
 640 #        define USE_PTHREAD_LOCKS
 641 #      endif
 642 #    endif /* THREAD_LOCAL_ALLOC */
 643 #   ifdef USE_PTHREAD_LOCKS
 644 #      include <pthread.h>
 645        extern pthread_mutex_t GC_allocate_ml;
 646 #      ifdef GC_ASSERTIONS
 647 #        define LOCK() \
 648                 { GC_lock(); \
 649                   SET_LOCK_HOLDER(); }
 650 #        define UNLOCK() \
 651                 { GC_ASSERT(I_HOLD_LOCK()); UNSET_LOCK_HOLDER(); \
 652                   pthread_mutex_unlock(&GC_allocate_ml); }
 653 #      else /* !GC_ASSERTIONS */
 654 #        if defined(NO_PTHREAD_TRYLOCK)
 655 #          define LOCK() GC_lock();
 656 #        else /* !defined(NO_PTHREAD_TRYLOCK) */
 657 #        define LOCK() \
 658            { if (0 != pthread_mutex_trylock(&GC_allocate_ml)) GC_lock(); }
 659 #        endif
 660 #        define UNLOCK() pthread_mutex_unlock(&GC_allocate_ml)
 661 #      endif /* !GC_ASSERTIONS */
 662 #   endif /* USE_PTHREAD_LOCKS */
 663 #   define SET_LOCK_HOLDER() GC_lock_holder = pthread_self()
 664 #   define UNSET_LOCK_HOLDER() GC_lock_holder = NO_THREAD
 665 #   define I_HOLD_LOCK() (pthread_equal(GC_lock_holder, pthread_self()))
 666     extern VOLATILE GC_bool GC_collecting;
 667 #   define ENTER_GC() GC_collecting = 1;
 668 #   define EXIT_GC() GC_collecting = 0;
 669     extern void GC_lock(void);
 670     extern pthread_t GC_lock_holder;
 671 #   ifdef GC_ASSERTIONS
 672       extern pthread_t GC_mark_lock_holder;
 673 #   endif
 674 #  endif /* GC_PTHREADS with linux_threads.c implementation */
 675 #  if defined(GC_WIN32_THREADS)
 676 #    if defined(GC_PTHREADS)
 677 #      include <pthread.h>
 678        extern pthread_mutex_t GC_allocate_ml;
 679 #      define LOCK()   pthread_mutex_lock(&GC_allocate_ml)
 680 #      define UNLOCK() pthread_mutex_unlock(&GC_allocate_ml)
 681 #    else
 682 #      include <windows.h>
 683        GC_API CRITICAL_SECTION GC_allocate_ml;
 684 #      define LOCK() EnterCriticalSection(&GC_allocate_ml);
 685 #      define UNLOCK() LeaveCriticalSection(&GC_allocate_ml);
 686 #    endif
 687 #  endif
 688 #  ifndef SET_LOCK_HOLDER
 689 #      define SET_LOCK_HOLDER()
 690 #      define UNSET_LOCK_HOLDER()
 691 #      define I_HOLD_LOCK() FALSE
 692                 /* Used on platforms were locks can be reacquired,      */
 693                 /* so it doesn't matter if we lie.                      */
 694 #  endif
 695 # else /* !THREADS */
 696 #    define LOCK()
 697 #    define UNLOCK()
 698 # endif /* !THREADS */
 699 # ifndef SET_LOCK_HOLDER
 700 #   define SET_LOCK_HOLDER()
 701 #   define UNSET_LOCK_HOLDER()
 702 #   define I_HOLD_LOCK() FALSE
 703                 /* Used on platforms were locks can be reacquired,      */
 704                 /* so it doesn't matter if we lie.                      */
 705 # endif
 706 # ifndef ENTER_GC
 707 #   define ENTER_GC()
 708 #   define EXIT_GC()
 709 # endif
 711 # ifndef DCL_LOCK_STATE
 712 #   define DCL_LOCK_STATE
 713 # endif
 714 # ifndef FASTLOCK
 715 #   define FASTLOCK() LOCK()
 717 #   define FASTUNLOCK() UNLOCK()
 718 # endif
 720 #endif /* GC_LOCKS_H */

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