result            152 ext/charconv/charconv.c     size_t insize, inroom, outroom, result;
result            168 ext/charconv/charconv.c             result = jconv_reset(info, outbuf, outroom);
result            169 ext/charconv/charconv.c             if (result < 0) {
result            184 ext/charconv/charconv.c                     result, outbuf, outroom);
result            186 ext/charconv/charconv.c             return result;
result            199 ext/charconv/charconv.c     result = jconv(info, &inbuf, &inroom, &outbuf, &outroom);
result            202 ext/charconv/charconv.c             result, inbuf, inroom, outbuf, outroom);
result            205 ext/charconv/charconv.c     if (result == INPUT_NOT_ENOUGH || result == OUTPUT_NOT_ENOUGH) {
result            213 ext/charconv/charconv.c     } else if (result == ILLEGAL_SEQUENCE) {
result            380 ext/charconv/charconv.c     size_t outsize, inroom, outroom, result, len;
result            396 ext/charconv/charconv.c         result = jconv(info, &inbuf, &inroom, &outbuf, &outroom);
result            399 ext/charconv/charconv.c                 result, inbuf, inroom, outbuf, outroom);
result            401 ext/charconv/charconv.c         if (result == INPUT_NOT_ENOUGH) {
result            415 ext/charconv/charconv.c         } else if (result == OUTPUT_NOT_ENOUGH) {
result            421 ext/charconv/charconv.c         } else if (result == ILLEGAL_SEQUENCE) {
result            123 ext/threads/threads.c             vm->result = Scm_Apply(SCM_OBJ(vm->thunk), SCM_NIL);
result            191 ext/threads/threads.c     ScmObj result = SCM_FALSE, resultx = SCM_FALSE;
result            205 ext/threads/threads.c     if (!tout) { result = target->result; resultx = target->resultException; }
result            211 ext/threads/threads.c             result = Scm_Raise(e);
result            213 ext/threads/threads.c             result = timeoutval;
result            216 ext/threads/threads.c         result = Scm_Raise(resultx);
result            218 ext/threads/threads.c     return result;
result             67 gc/MacOS.c     	OSErr result;
result             71 gc/MacOS.c     	tempMemBlock = (TemporaryMemoryHandle)TempNewHandle(size + sizeof(TemporaryMemoryBlock), &result);
result             72 gc/MacOS.c     	if (tempMemBlock && result == noErr) {
result            164 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     GC_thread result;
result            170 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     	result = &first_thread;
result            174 gc/aix_irix_threads.c         result = (struct GC_Thread_Rep *)
result            177 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     if (result == 0) return(0);
result            178 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     result -> id = id;
result            179 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     result -> next = GC_threads[hv];
result            180 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     GC_threads[hv] = result;
result            183 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     return(result);
result            238 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     register int result;
result            277 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     register int result;
result            289 gc/aix_irix_threads.c             result = pthread_kill(p -> id, SIG_SUSPEND);
result            291 gc/aix_irix_threads.c 	    switch(result) {
result            314 gc/aix_irix_threads.c             result = pthread_cond_timedwait(&GC_suspend_ack_cv,
result            317 gc/aix_irix_threads.c             if (result == ETIMEDOUT) {
result            320 gc/aix_irix_threads.c                 result = pthread_kill(p -> id, SIG_SUSPEND);
result            488 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     int result;
result            497 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     result = pthread_join(thread, retval);
result            500 gc/aix_irix_threads.c 	if (EINTR == result) result = 0;
result            506 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     return result;
result            513 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     void * result;
result            547 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     result = (*start)(start_arg);
result            548 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     me -> status = result;
result            553 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     return(result);
result            561 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     int result;
result            585 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     result = pthread_create(new_thread, attr, GC_start_routine, si);
result            592 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     if (0 == result) {
result            605 gc/aix_irix_threads.c     return(result);
result            561 gc/allchblk.c  	struct hblk * result = GC_allochblk_nth(sz, kind, flags, i);
result            562 gc/allchblk.c  	if (0 != result) {
result            563 gc/allchblk.c  	    return result;
result            188 gc/alloc.c         register signed_word result;
result            197 gc/alloc.c         result = (signed_word)GC_words_allocd
result            200 gc/alloc.c         if (result > (signed_word)GC_words_allocd) {
result            201 gc/alloc.c             result = GC_words_allocd;
result            204 gc/alloc.c         result += GC_words_finalized;
result            209 gc/alloc.c         if ((GC_words_wasted >> 3) < result)
result            210 gc/alloc.c             result += GC_words_wasted;
result            214 gc/alloc.c         if (result < (signed_word)(GC_words_allocd >> 3)) {
result            221 gc/alloc.c             return(result);
result            458 gc/alloc.c         int result;
result            464 gc/alloc.c         result = (int)GC_collection_in_progress();
result            467 gc/alloc.c         if (!result && GC_debugging_started) GC_print_all_smashed();
result            468 gc/alloc.c         return(result);
result            770 gc/alloc.c         int result;
result            781 gc/alloc.c         result = (int)GC_try_to_collect_inner(stop_func);
result            785 gc/alloc.c         if(result) {
result            789 gc/alloc.c         return(result);
result            986 gc/alloc.c         int result;
result            992 gc/alloc.c         result = (int)GC_expand_hp_inner(divHBLKSZ((word)bytes));
result            993 gc/alloc.c         if (result) GC_requested_heapsize += bytes;
result            996 gc/alloc.c         return(result);
result             91 gc/backgraph.c     back_edges * result = avail_back_edges;
result             92 gc/backgraph.c     avail_back_edges = result -> cont;
result             93 gc/backgraph.c     result -> cont = 0;
result             94 gc/backgraph.c     return result;
result            347 gc/backgraph.c   word result;
result            357 gc/backgraph.c     result = backwards_height(back_ptr)+1;
result            359 gc/backgraph.c     return result;
result            366 gc/backgraph.c   result = (be -> height > 0? be -> height : 1);
result            379 gc/backgraph.c     if (this_height >= result) result = this_height + 1;
result            381 gc/backgraph.c   be -> height = result;
result            383 gc/backgraph.c   return result;
result            274 gc/blacklst.c      word result = 0;
result            279 gc/blacklst.c          if (get_pht_entry_from_index(GC_old_stack_bl, index)) result++;
result            281 gc/blacklst.c      return(result);
result             42 gc/checksums.c     register word result = 0;
result             45 gc/checksums.c         result += *p++;
result             47 gc/checksums.c     return(result | 0x80000000 /* doesn't look like pointer */);
result            159 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             register char * result = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(result_len+1);
result            161 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             if (result == 0) OUT_OF_MEMORY;
result            162 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             memcpy(result, x, lenx);
result            163 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             memcpy(result + lenx, y, leny);
result            164 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             result[result_len] = '\0';
result            165 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             return((CORD) result);
result            212 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	register struct Concatenation * result;
result            214 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	result = GC_NEW(struct Concatenation);
result            215 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	if (result == 0) OUT_OF_MEMORY;
result            216 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	result->header = CONCAT_HDR;
result            217 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	result->depth = depth;
result            218 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	if (lenx <= MAX_LEFT_LEN) result->left_len = lenx;
result            219 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	result->len = result_len;
result            220 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	result->left = x;
result            221 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	result->right = y;
result            223 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	    return(CORD_balance((CORD)result));
result            225 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	    return((CORD) result);
result            253 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	register struct Concatenation * result;
result            255 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	result = GC_NEW(struct Concatenation);
result            256 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	if (result == 0) OUT_OF_MEMORY;
result            257 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	result->header = CONCAT_HDR;
result            258 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	result->depth = depth;
result            259 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	if (lenx <= MAX_LEFT_LEN) result->left_len = lenx;
result            260 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	result->len = result_len;
result            261 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	result->left = x;
result            262 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	result->right = y;
result            264 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	    return(CORD_balance((CORD)result));
result            266 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	    return((CORD) result);
result            277 gc/cord/cordbscs.c         register char * result;
result            288 gc/cord/cordbscs.c         result = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(len+1);
result            289 gc/cord/cordbscs.c         if (result == 0) OUT_OF_MEMORY;
result            290 gc/cord/cordbscs.c         strcpy(result, buf);
result            291 gc/cord/cordbscs.c         result[len] = '\0';
result            292 gc/cord/cordbscs.c         return((CORD) result);
result            296 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	register struct Function * result;
result            298 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	result = GC_NEW(struct Function);
result            299 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	if (result == 0) OUT_OF_MEMORY;
result            300 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	result->header = FN_HDR;
result            302 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	result->len = len;
result            303 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	result->fn = fn;
result            304 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	result->client_data = client_data;
result            305 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     	return((CORD) result);
result            345 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     CORD result;
result            350 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     result = CORD_from_fn(f, (void *)sa, n);
result            351 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     ((CordRep *)result) -> function.header = SUBSTR_HDR;
result            352 gc/cord/cordbscs.c     return (result);
result            367 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             register char * result = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(n+1);
result            369 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             if (result == 0) OUT_OF_MEMORY;
result            370 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             strncpy(result, x+i, n);
result            371 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             result[n] = '\0';
result            372 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             return(result);
result            422 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             char * result;
result            438 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             result = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(n+1);
result            439 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             if (result == 0) OUT_OF_MEMORY;
result            440 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             strcpy(result, buf);
result            441 gc/cord/cordbscs.c             return(result);
result             59 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     register int result = 0;
result            158 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     return(result);
result            163 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     CORD_ec result;
result            169 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     CORD_ec_init(result);
result            177 gc/cord/cordprnt.c                	CORD_ec_append(result, current);
result            197 gc/cord/cordprnt.c             	    	    *pos_ptr = ec_len(result);
result            201 gc/cord/cordprnt.c             	    	    *pos_ptr = ec_len(result);
result            205 gc/cord/cordprnt.c             	    	    *pos_ptr = ec_len(result);
result            230 gc/cord/cordprnt.c 			CORD_ec_append_cord(result, arg);
result            237 gc/cord/cordprnt.c 			    CORD_ec_append(result, c);
result            247 gc/cord/cordprnt.c 			        CORD_ec_append(result, c);
result            278 gc/cord/cordprnt.c             	        if (CORD_BUFSZ - (result[0].ec_bufptr-result[0].ec_buf)
result            280 gc/cord/cordprnt.c             	            CORD_ec_flush_buf(result);
result            282 gc/cord/cordprnt.c             	        buf = result[0].ec_bufptr;
result            320 gc/cord/cordprnt.c             	    if (buf != result[0].ec_bufptr) {
result            324 gc/cord/cordprnt.c 			    CORD_ec_append(result, c);
result            327 gc/cord/cordprnt.c 		        result[0].ec_bufptr = buf + len;
result            333 gc/cord/cordprnt.c             CORD_ec_append(result, current);
result            336 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     count = ec_len(result);
result            337 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     *out = CORD_balance(CORD_ec_to_cord(result));
result            344 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     int result;
result            347 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     result = CORD_vsprintf(out, format, args);
result            349 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     return(result);
result            355 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     int result;
result            359 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     result = CORD_vsprintf(&out, format, args);
result            361 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     if (result > 0) CORD_put(out, f);
result            362 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     return(result);
result            367 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     int result;
result            370 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     result = CORD_vsprintf(&out, format, args);
result            371 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     if (result > 0) CORD_put(out, f);
result            372 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     return(result);
result            378 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     int result;
result            382 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     result = CORD_vsprintf(&out, format, args);
result            384 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     if (result > 0) CORD_put(out, stdout);
result            385 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     return(result);
result            390 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     int result;
result            393 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     result = CORD_vsprintf(&out, format, args);
result            394 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     if (result > 0) CORD_put(out, stdout);
result            395 gc/cord/cordprnt.c     return(result);
result            200 gc/cord/cordtest.c     CORD result;
result            206 gc/cord/cordtest.c     if (CORD_sprintf(&result, "%7.2f%ln", 3.14159F, &l) != 7)
result            208 gc/cord/cordtest.c     if (CORD_cmp(result, "   3.14") != 0)ABORT("CORD_sprintf goofed 1");
result            210 gc/cord/cordtest.c     if (CORD_sprintf(&result, "%-7.2s%hn%c%s", "abcd", &s, 'x', "yz") != 10)
result            212 gc/cord/cordtest.c     if (CORD_cmp(result, "ab     xyz") != 0)ABORT("CORD_sprintf goofed 3");
result            218 gc/cord/cordtest.c     if (CORD_sprintf(&result, "->%-120.78r!\n", x) != 124)
result            221 gc/cord/cordtest.c     if (CORD_cmp(result, result2) != 0)ABORT("CORD_sprintf goofed 5");
result             72 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     register CORD result = CORD_EMPTY;
result             79 gc/cord/cordxtra.c         result = CORD_cat(result, next);
result             82 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     return(result);
result            167 gc/cord/cordxtra.c             register int result;
result            170 gc/cord/cordxtra.c             result = strncmp(CORD_pos_cur_char_addr(xpos),
result            172 gc/cord/cordxtra.c             if (result != 0) return(result);
result            209 gc/cord/cordxtra.c             register int result;
result            214 gc/cord/cordxtra.c             result = strncmp(CORD_pos_cur_char_addr(xpos),
result            216 gc/cord/cordxtra.c             if (result != 0) return(result);
result            227 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     char * result = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(len + 1);
result            229 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     if (result == 0) OUT_OF_MEMORY;
result            230 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     CORD_fill_buf(x, 0, len, result);
result            231 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     result[len] = '\0';
result            232 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     return(result);
result            237 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     char * result;
result            241 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     result = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(len + 1);
result            242 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     if (result == 0) OUT_OF_MEMORY;
result            243 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     memcpy(result, s, len+1);
result            244 gc/cord/cordxtra.c     return(result);
result            128 gc/cord/de_win.c     char * result = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(len + 1);
result            133 gc/cord/de_win.c            result[i] = ' ';
result            135 gc/cord/de_win.c            result[i] = text[i];
result            138 gc/cord/de_win.c     result[len] = '\0';
result            139 gc/cord/de_win.c     return(result);
result            146 gc/cord/de_win.c     char * result = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(len + 1);
result            151 gc/cord/de_win.c            result[i] = text[i] + 0x40;
result            153 gc/cord/de_win.c            result[i] = ' ';
result            156 gc/cord/de_win.c     result[len] = '\0';
result            157 gc/cord/de_win.c     return(result);
result            386 gc/darwin_stop_world.c 	int result;
result            388 gc/darwin_stop_world.c 	result = GC_suspend_thread_list(act_list, listcount,
result            390 gc/darwin_stop_world.c 	changes = result;
result            162 gc/dbg_mlc.c       ptr_t result;
result            165 gc/dbg_mlc.c   	result = GC_generate_random_heap_address();
result            166 gc/dbg_mlc.c     	base = GC_base(result);
result            169 gc/dbg_mlc.c   	return result;
result            246 gc/dbg_mlc.c       register word * result = (word *)((oh *)p + 1);
result            265 gc/dbg_mlc.c         ((oh *)p) -> oh_sf = START_FLAG ^ (word)result;
result            267 gc/dbg_mlc.c            result[SIMPLE_ROUNDED_UP_WORDS(sz)] = END_FLAG ^ (word)result;
result            270 gc/dbg_mlc.c       return((ptr_t)result);
result            282 gc/dbg_mlc.c       register word * result = (word *)((oh *)p + 1);
result            299 gc/dbg_mlc.c         ((oh *)p) -> oh_sf = START_FLAG ^ (word)result;
result            301 gc/dbg_mlc.c            result[SIMPLE_ROUNDED_UP_WORDS(sz)] = END_FLAG ^ (word)result;
result            303 gc/dbg_mlc.c       return((ptr_t)result);
result            490 gc/dbg_mlc.c       GC_PTR result = GC_malloc(lb + DEBUG_BYTES);
result            492 gc/dbg_mlc.c       if (result == 0) {
result            502 gc/dbg_mlc.c       ADD_CALL_CHAIN(result, ra);
result            503 gc/dbg_mlc.c       return (GC_store_debug_info(result, (word)lb, s, (word)i));
result            518 gc/dbg_mlc.c       GC_PTR result = GC_malloc_ignore_off_page(lb + DEBUG_BYTES);
result            520 gc/dbg_mlc.c       if (result == 0) {
result            530 gc/dbg_mlc.c       ADD_CALL_CHAIN(result, ra);
result            531 gc/dbg_mlc.c       return (GC_store_debug_info(result, (word)lb, s, (word)i));
result            546 gc/dbg_mlc.c       GC_PTR result = GC_malloc_atomic_ignore_off_page(lb + DEBUG_BYTES);
result            548 gc/dbg_mlc.c       if (result == 0) {
result            558 gc/dbg_mlc.c       ADD_CALL_CHAIN(result, ra);
result            559 gc/dbg_mlc.c       return (GC_store_debug_info(result, (word)lb, s, (word)i));
result            573 gc/dbg_mlc.c       GC_PTR result = GC_generic_malloc_inner(lb + DEBUG_BYTES, k);
result            575 gc/dbg_mlc.c       if (result == 0) {
result            580 gc/dbg_mlc.c       ADD_CALL_CHAIN(result, GC_RETURN_ADDR);
result            581 gc/dbg_mlc.c       return (GC_store_debug_info_inner(result, (word)lb, "INTERNAL", (word)0));
result            586 gc/dbg_mlc.c       GC_PTR result = GC_generic_malloc_inner_ignore_off_page(
result            589 gc/dbg_mlc.c       if (result == 0) {
result            594 gc/dbg_mlc.c       ADD_CALL_CHAIN(result, GC_RETURN_ADDR);
result            595 gc/dbg_mlc.c       return (GC_store_debug_info_inner(result, (word)lb, "INTERNAL", (word)0));
result            609 gc/dbg_mlc.c       GC_PTR result = GC_malloc_stubborn(lb + DEBUG_BYTES);
result            611 gc/dbg_mlc.c       if (result == 0) {
result            621 gc/dbg_mlc.c       ADD_CALL_CHAIN(result, ra);
result            622 gc/dbg_mlc.c       return (GC_store_debug_info(result, (word)lb, s, (word)i));
result            700 gc/dbg_mlc.c       GC_PTR result = GC_malloc_atomic(lb + DEBUG_BYTES);
result            702 gc/dbg_mlc.c       if (result == 0) {
result            712 gc/dbg_mlc.c       ADD_CALL_CHAIN(result, ra);
result            713 gc/dbg_mlc.c       return (GC_store_debug_info(result, (word)lb, s, (word)i));
result            725 gc/dbg_mlc.c       GC_PTR result = GC_malloc_uncollectable(lb + UNCOLLECTABLE_DEBUG_BYTES);
result            727 gc/dbg_mlc.c       if (result == 0) {
result            737 gc/dbg_mlc.c       ADD_CALL_CHAIN(result, ra);
result            738 gc/dbg_mlc.c       return (GC_store_debug_info(result, (word)lb, s, (word)i));
result            751 gc/dbg_mlc.c       GC_PTR result =
result            754 gc/dbg_mlc.c       if (result == 0) {
result            765 gc/dbg_mlc.c       ADD_CALL_CHAIN(result, ra);
result            766 gc/dbg_mlc.c       return (GC_store_debug_info(result, (word)lb, s, (word)i));
result            856 gc/dbg_mlc.c       register GC_PTR result;
result            877 gc/dbg_mlc.c           result = GC_debug_malloc_stubborn(lb, OPT_RA s, i);
result            881 gc/dbg_mlc.c           result = GC_debug_malloc(lb, OPT_RA s, i);
result            884 gc/dbg_mlc.c           result = GC_debug_malloc_atomic(lb, OPT_RA s, i);
result            887 gc/dbg_mlc.c   	result = GC_debug_malloc_uncollectable(lb, OPT_RA s, i);
result            891 gc/dbg_mlc.c   	result = GC_debug_malloc_atomic_uncollectable(lb, OPT_RA s, i);
result            909 gc/dbg_mlc.c       if (result == 0) return(0);
result            910 gc/dbg_mlc.c       BCOPY(p, result,  copy_sz);
result            912 gc/dbg_mlc.c       return(result);
result           1020 gc/dbg_mlc.c       struct closure * result =
result           1028 gc/dbg_mlc.c       result -> cl_fn = fn;
result           1029 gc/dbg_mlc.c       result -> cl_data = data;
result           1030 gc/dbg_mlc.c       return((GC_PTR)result);
result            196 gc/dyn_load.c      ptr_t result = 0;
result            205 gc/dyn_load.c          if (result == 0
result            206 gc/dyn_load.c              || (ptr_t)(curr_symbol -> rtc_sp -> n_value) < result) {
result            207 gc/dyn_load.c              result = (ptr_t)(curr_symbol -> rtc_sp -> n_value);
result            210 gc/dyn_load.c      return(result);
result            850 gc/dyn_load.c      DWORD result;
result            863 gc/dyn_load.c          result = VirtualQuery(p, &buf, sizeof(buf));
result            864 gc/dyn_load.c  	if (result == 0) {
result            872 gc/dyn_load.c          result = VirtualQuery(p, &buf, sizeof(buf));
result            875 gc/dyn_load.c  	    if (result != sizeof(buf)) {
result            866 gc/finalize.c      GC_PTR result;
result            874 gc/finalize.c      result = (*fn)(client_data);
result            882 gc/finalize.c      return(result);
result             73 gc/gc_dlopen.c     void * result;
result             79 gc/gc_dlopen.c       result = (void *)__real_dlopen(path, mode);
result             81 gc/gc_dlopen.c       result = dlopen(path, mode);
result             86 gc/gc_dlopen.c     return(result);
result            191 gc/gcj_mlc.c       GC_PTR result;
result            197 gc/gcj_mlc.c       result = GC_generic_malloc_inner(lb + DEBUG_BYTES, GC_gcj_debug_kind);
result            198 gc/gcj_mlc.c       if (result == 0) {
result            207 gc/gcj_mlc.c       *((void **)((ptr_t)result + sizeof(oh))) = ptr_to_struct_containing_descr;
result            212 gc/gcj_mlc.c       ADD_CALL_CHAIN(result, ra);
result            213 gc/gcj_mlc.c       return (GC_store_debug_info(result, (word)lb, s, (word)i));
result            250 gc/gcj_mlc.c       GC_PTR result;
result            258 gc/gcj_mlc.c       result = GC_generic_malloc_inner(lb + DEBUG_BYTES, GC_gcj_debug_kind);
result            259 gc/gcj_mlc.c       if (result == 0) {
result            268 gc/gcj_mlc.c       *((void **)((ptr_t)result + sizeof(oh))) = ptr_to_struct_containing_descr;
result            273 gc/gcj_mlc.c       ADD_CALL_CHAIN(result, ra);
result            274 gc/gcj_mlc.c       return (GC_store_debug_info(result, (word)lb, s, (word)i));
result             40 gc/headers.c   	register hdr * result;
result             41 gc/headers.c   	GET_HDR(h, result);
result             42 gc/headers.c   	return(result);
result             59 gc/headers.c       register ptr_t result = scratch_free_ptr;
result             70 gc/headers.c           return(result);
result             82 gc/headers.c      	    result = (ptr_t)GET_MEM(bytes_to_get);
result             84 gc/headers.c   	    GC_scratch_last_end_ptr = result + bytes;
result             85 gc/headers.c               return(result);
result             87 gc/headers.c           result = (ptr_t)GET_MEM(bytes_to_get);
result             88 gc/headers.c           if (result == 0) {
result            100 gc/headers.c           scratch_free_ptr = result;
result            112 gc/headers.c       register hdr * result;
result            115 gc/headers.c           result = (hdr *) GC_scratch_alloc((word)(sizeof(hdr)));
result            117 gc/headers.c           result = hdr_free_list;
result            118 gc/headers.c           hdr_free_list = (hdr *) (result -> hb_next);
result            120 gc/headers.c       return(result);
result            207 gc/headers.c       hdr * result;
result            210 gc/headers.c       result = alloc_hdr();
result            211 gc/headers.c       SET_HDR(h, result);
result            213 gc/headers.c   	result -> hb_last_reclaimed = GC_gc_no;
result            215 gc/headers.c       return(result);
result             45 gc/include/gc_inl.h # define GC_MALLOC_WORDS(result,n) \
result             55 gc/include/gc_inl.h         (result) = GC_generic_malloc_words_small((n), NORMAL);	\
result             61 gc/include/gc_inl.h         (result) = (GC_PTR) op;	\
result             67 gc/include/gc_inl.h # define GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC_WORDS(result,n) \
result             77 gc/include/gc_inl.h         (result) = GC_generic_malloc_words_small((n), PTRFREE);	\
result             83 gc/include/gc_inl.h         (result) = (GC_PTR) op;	\
result             88 gc/include/gc_inl.h # define GC_CONS(result, first, second) \
result            106 gc/include/gc_inl.h     (result) = (GC_PTR) op;	\
result            424 gc/include/private/gc_locks.h 	   char result;
result            426 gc/include/private/gc_locks.h 	    	: "+m"(*(addr)), "=r"(result)
result            428 gc/include/private/gc_locks.h 	   return (GC_bool) result;
result            447 gc/include/private/gc_locks.h             unsigned long result, dummy;
result            459 gc/include/private/gc_locks.h                 :  "=&r" (dummy), "=r" (result), "=p" (addr)
result            462 gc/include/private/gc_locks.h             return (GC_bool) result;
result            469 gc/include/private/gc_locks.h             int result, dummy;
result            481 gc/include/private/gc_locks.h                 :  "=&r" (dummy), "=r" (result), "=p" (addr)
result            484 gc/include/private/gc_locks.h             return (GC_bool) result;
result             28 gc/malloc.c        struct hblk ** result = (struct hblk **)
result             30 gc/malloc.c        if (result == 0) return(FALSE);
result             31 gc/malloc.c        BZERO(result, (MAXOBJSZ+1)*sizeof(struct hblk *));
result             32 gc/malloc.c        kind -> ok_reclaim_list = result;
result             47 gc/malloc.c        ptr_t result;
result             64 gc/malloc.c    	result = 0;
result             72 gc/malloc.c    	result = (ptr_t) (h -> hb_body);
result             75 gc/malloc.c        return result;
result             86 gc/malloc.c        ptr_t result = GC_alloc_large(lw, k, flags);
result             89 gc/malloc.c        if (0 == result) return 0;
result             92 gc/malloc.c    	BZERO(result, n_blocks * HBLKSIZE);
result             94 gc/malloc.c        return result;
result            184 gc/malloc.c        ptr_t result;
result            192 gc/malloc.c            result = GC_generic_malloc_inner((word)lb, k);
result            204 gc/malloc.c    	result = (ptr_t)GC_alloc_large(lw, k, 0);
result            205 gc/malloc.c    	if (0 != result) {
result            207 gc/malloc.c    	    BZERO(result, n_blocks * HBLKSIZE);
result            212 gc/malloc.c    	        ((word *)result)[0] = 0;
result            213 gc/malloc.c    	        ((word *)result)[1] = 0;
result            214 gc/malloc.c    	        ((word *)result)[lw-1] = 0;
result            215 gc/malloc.c    	        ((word *)result)[lw-2] = 0;
result            222 gc/malloc.c        	if (init && !GC_debugging_started && 0 != result) {
result            223 gc/malloc.c    	    BZERO(result, n_blocks * HBLKSIZE);
result            226 gc/malloc.c        if (0 == result) {
result            229 gc/malloc.c            return(result);
result            372 gc/malloc.c        char * result = ((char *)REDIRECT_MALLOC(len+1));
result            373 gc/malloc.c        BCOPY(s, result, len+1);
result            374 gc/malloc.c        return result;
result            119 gc/mallocx.c   	      GC_PTR result =
result            122 gc/mallocx.c   	      if (result == 0) return(0);
result            125 gc/mallocx.c   	      BCOPY(p, result, lb);
result            129 gc/mallocx.c   	      return(result);
result            133 gc/mallocx.c   	  GC_PTR result =
result            136 gc/mallocx.c   	  if (result == 0) return(0);
result            137 gc/mallocx.c   	  BCOPY(p, result, sz);
result            141 gc/mallocx.c   	  return(result);
result            182 gc/mallocx.c       register ptr_t result;
result            197 gc/mallocx.c       result = (ptr_t)GC_alloc_large(lw, k, IGNORE_OFF_PAGE);
result            198 gc/mallocx.c       if (0 != result) {
result            200 gc/mallocx.c   	    BZERO(result, n_blocks * HBLKSIZE);
result            205 gc/mallocx.c   	        ((word *)result)[0] = 0;
result            206 gc/mallocx.c   	        ((word *)result)[1] = 0;
result            207 gc/mallocx.c   	        ((word *)result)[lw-1] = 0;
result            208 gc/mallocx.c   	        ((word *)result)[lw-2] = 0;
result            215 gc/mallocx.c       if (0 == result) {
result            219 gc/mallocx.c   	    BZERO(result, n_blocks * HBLKSIZE);
result            221 gc/mallocx.c           return(result);
result            346 gc/mallocx.c   void GC_generic_malloc_many(lb, k, result)
result            349 gc/mallocx.c   ptr_t *result;
result            368 gc/mallocx.c   	*result = op;
result            435 gc/mallocx.c   		*result = op;
result            498 gc/mallocx.c   	    *result = op;
result            517 gc/mallocx.c       *result = op;
result            525 gc/mallocx.c       ptr_t result;
result            526 gc/mallocx.c       GC_generic_malloc_many(lb, NORMAL, &result);
result            527 gc/mallocx.c       return result;
result            604 gc/mallocx.c       ptr_t result;
result            618 gc/mallocx.c       result = GC_malloc(new_lb);
result            619 gc/mallocx.c       offset = (word)result % align;
result            627 gc/mallocx.c       result = (GC_PTR) ((ptr_t)result + offset);
result            628 gc/mallocx.c       GC_ASSERT((word)result % align == 0);
result            629 gc/mallocx.c       return result;
result            104 gc/mark_rts.c      word result = (word) addr;
result            106 gc/mark_rts.c  	result ^= result >> 8*LOG_RT_SIZE;
result            109 gc/mark_rts.c  	result ^= result >> 4*LOG_RT_SIZE;
result            111 gc/mark_rts.c      result ^= result >> 2*LOG_RT_SIZE;
result            112 gc/mark_rts.c      result ^= result >> LOG_RT_SIZE;
result            113 gc/mark_rts.c      result &= (RT_SIZE-1);
result            114 gc/mark_rts.c      return(result);
result            920 gc/misc.c           register int result;
result            924 gc/misc.c      	    result = syscall(SYS_write, fd, buf + bytes_written,
result            927 gc/misc.c           	    result = write(fd, buf + bytes_written, len - bytes_written);
result            929 gc/misc.c      	if (-1 == result) return(result);
result            930 gc/misc.c      	bytes_written += result;
result           1031 gc/misc.c          GC_warn_proc result;
result           1037 gc/misc.c          result = GC_current_warn_proc;
result           1040 gc/misc.c          return(result);
result           1096 gc/misc.c          void *result = GC_INTERNAL_MALLOC((MAXOBJSZ+1)*sizeof(ptr_t), PTRFREE);
result           1097 gc/misc.c          if (result == 0) ABORT("Failed to allocate freelist for new kind");
result           1098 gc/misc.c          BZERO(result, (MAXOBJSZ+1)*sizeof(ptr_t));
result           1099 gc/misc.c          return result;
result           1104 gc/misc.c          void *result;
result           1106 gc/misc.c          result = GC_new_free_list_inner();
result           1108 gc/misc.c          return result;
result           1117 gc/misc.c          int result = GC_n_kinds++;
result           1120 gc/misc.c          GC_obj_kinds[result].ok_freelist = (ptr_t *)fl;
result           1121 gc/misc.c          GC_obj_kinds[result].ok_reclaim_list = 0;
result           1122 gc/misc.c          GC_obj_kinds[result].ok_descriptor = descr;
result           1123 gc/misc.c          GC_obj_kinds[result].ok_relocate_descr = adjust;
result           1124 gc/misc.c          GC_obj_kinds[result].ok_init = clear;
result           1125 gc/misc.c          return result;
result           1134 gc/misc.c          int result;
result           1136 gc/misc.c          result = GC_new_kind_inner(fl, descr, adjust, clear);
result           1138 gc/misc.c          return result;
result           1144 gc/misc.c          int result = GC_n_mark_procs++;
result           1147 gc/misc.c          GC_mark_procs[result] = proc;
result           1148 gc/misc.c          return result;
result           1154 gc/misc.c          int result;
result           1156 gc/misc.c          result = GC_new_proc_inner(proc);
result           1158 gc/misc.c          return result;
result            183 gc/os_dep.c        ssize_t result;
result            186 gc/os_dep.c    	result = READ(fd, buf + num_read, count - num_read);
result            187 gc/os_dep.c    	if (result < 0) return result;
result            188 gc/os_dep.c    	if (result == 0) break;
result            189 gc/os_dep.c    	num_read += result;
result            205 gc/os_dep.c        int result;
result            225 gc/os_dep.c    	        result = GC_repeat_read(f, maps_buf, maps_buf_sz-1);
result            226 gc/os_dep.c    	        if (result <= 0) return 0;
result            227 gc/os_dep.c    	        maps_size += result;
result            228 gc/os_dep.c    	    } while (result == maps_buf_sz-1);
result            631 gc/os_dep.c        word result;
result            634 gc/os_dep.c        result = VirtualQuery(p, &buf, sizeof(buf));
result            635 gc/os_dep.c        if (result != sizeof(buf)) ABORT("Weird VirtualQuery result");
result            796 gc/os_dep.c            static VOLATILE ptr_t result;
result            805 gc/os_dep.c    	    result = (ptr_t)(((word)(p))
result            809 gc/os_dep.c    		    result += MIN_PAGE_SIZE;
result            811 gc/os_dep.c    		    result -= MIN_PAGE_SIZE;
result            813 gc/os_dep.c    		GC_noop1((word)(*result));
result            818 gc/os_dep.c    	    result += MIN_PAGE_SIZE;
result            820 gc/os_dep.c    	return(result);
result            913 gc/os_dep.c          word result = backing_store_base_from_proc();
result            914 gc/os_dep.c          if (0 == result) {
result            916 gc/os_dep.c    	  result = (word)GC_stackbottom - BACKING_STORE_DISPLACEMENT;
result            917 gc/os_dep.c    	  result += BACKING_STORE_ALIGNMENT - 1;
result            918 gc/os_dep.c    	  result &= ~(BACKING_STORE_ALIGNMENT - 1);
result            920 gc/os_dep.c    	  GC_noop1(*(word *)result);
result            922 gc/os_dep.c          return (ptr_t)result;
result            937 gc/os_dep.c        word result = 0;
result            981 gc/os_dep.c          result *= 10;
result            982 gc/os_dep.c          result += c - '0';
result            986 gc/os_dep.c        if (result < 0x10000000) ABORT("Absurd stack bottom value");
result            987 gc/os_dep.c        return (ptr_t)result;
result           1023 gc/os_dep.c        ptr_t result;
result           1033 gc/os_dep.c    	     result = (ptr_t)((((word)(&dummy))
result           1037 gc/os_dep.c    	     result = (ptr_t)(((word)(&dummy))
result           1042 gc/os_dep.c    	   result = GC_linux_stack_base();
result           1045 gc/os_dep.c    	   result = GC_freebsd_stack_base();
result           1049 gc/os_dep.c    		result = GC_find_limit((ptr_t)(&dummy), TRUE);
result           1051 gc/os_dep.c    		    if (result > HEURISTIC2_LIMIT
result           1053 gc/os_dep.c    		            result = HEURISTIC2_LIMIT;
result           1057 gc/os_dep.c    		result = GC_find_limit((ptr_t)(&dummy), FALSE);
result           1059 gc/os_dep.c    		    if (result < HEURISTIC2_LIMIT
result           1061 gc/os_dep.c    		            result = HEURISTIC2_LIMIT;
result           1068 gc/os_dep.c    	    if (result == 0) result = (ptr_t)(signed_word)(-sizeof(ptr_t));
result           1070 gc/os_dep.c        	return(result);
result           1204 gc/os_dep.c        DWORD result;
result           1214 gc/os_dep.c        	result = VirtualQuery(q, &buf, sizeof(buf));
result           1215 gc/os_dep.c        	if (result != sizeof(buf) || buf.AllocationBase == 0) break;
result           1254 gc/os_dep.c        DWORD result = VirtualQuery(p, &buf, sizeof(buf));
result           1255 gc/os_dep.c        if (result != sizeof(buf)) {
result           1323 gc/os_dep.c          DWORD result;
result           1332 gc/os_dep.c            result = VirtualQuery(p, &buf, sizeof(buf));
result           1333 gc/os_dep.c            if (result != sizeof(buf) || buf.AllocationBase == 0
result           1376 gc/os_dep.c        VOLATILE char * result = (char *)(next_page + page_offset);
result           1383 gc/os_dep.c        	*result = *result;
result           1392 gc/os_dep.c        	result = (char *)GC_find_limit((ptr_t)(DATAEND), FALSE);
result           1394 gc/os_dep.c        return((ptr_t)result);
result           1413 gc/os_dep.c        VOLATILE ptr_t result = (ptr_t)text_end;
result           1424 gc/os_dep.c    	result = GC_find_limit((ptr_t)(DATAEND), FALSE);
result           1426 gc/os_dep.c        return(result);
result           1527 gc/os_dep.c        caddr_t result;
result           1537 gc/os_dep.c            result = (ptr_t)sbrk((SBRK_ARG_T)bytes);
result           1538 gc/os_dep.c            if (result == (caddr_t)(-1)) return(0);
result           1539 gc/os_dep.c            result -= GC_page_size;
result           1541 gc/os_dep.c            result = (ptr_t)sbrk(GC_page_size + (SBRK_ARG_T)bytes);
result           1542 gc/os_dep.c            if (result == (caddr_t)(-1)) return(0);
result           1544 gc/os_dep.c        my_brk_val = result + bytes + GC_page_size;	/* Always page aligned */
result           1545 gc/os_dep.c        return((ptr_t)result);
result           1584 gc/os_dep.c        void *result;
result           1598 gc/os_dep.c        result = mmap(last_addr, bytes, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | OPT_PROT_EXEC,
result           1600 gc/os_dep.c        if (result == MAP_FAILED) return(0);
result           1601 gc/os_dep.c        last_addr = (ptr_t)result + bytes + GC_page_size - 1;
result           1608 gc/os_dep.c    	munmap(result, (size_t)(-GC_page_size) - (size_t)result);
result           1615 gc/os_dep.c        return((ptr_t)result);
result           1622 gc/os_dep.c      ptr_t result;
result           1636 gc/os_dep.c        result = (ptr_t)sbrk((SBRK_ARG_T)bytes);
result           1637 gc/os_dep.c        if (result == (ptr_t)(-1)) result = 0;
result           1642 gc/os_dep.c      return(result);
result           1654 gc/os_dep.c        void * result;
result           1656 gc/os_dep.c        if (DosAllocMem(&result, bytes, PAG_EXECUTE | PAG_READ |
result           1661 gc/os_dep.c        if (result == 0) return(os2_alloc(bytes));
result           1662 gc/os_dep.c        return(result);
result           1685 gc/os_dep.c        ptr_t result;
result           1691 gc/os_dep.c            result = (ptr_t) GlobalAlloc(0, bytes + HBLKSIZE);
result           1692 gc/os_dep.c            result = (ptr_t)(((word)result + HBLKSIZE) & ~(HBLKSIZE-1));
result           1702 gc/os_dep.c            result = (ptr_t) VirtualAlloc(NULL, bytes + 1,
result           1706 gc/os_dep.c        if (HBLKDISPL(result) != 0) ABORT("Bad VirtualAlloc result");
result           1710 gc/os_dep.c        GC_heap_bases[GC_n_heap_bases++] = result;
result           1711 gc/os_dep.c        return(result);
result           1738 gc/os_dep.c        ptr_t result;
result           1749 gc/os_dep.c    	    result = GC_heap_bases[i] + GC_heap_lengths[i];
result           1762 gc/os_dep.c    	result = (ptr_t) VirtualAlloc(NULL, res_bytes,
result           1765 gc/os_dep.c    	if (HBLKDISPL(result) != 0) ABORT("Bad VirtualAlloc result");
result           1769 gc/os_dep.c    	GC_heap_bases[GC_n_heap_bases] = result;
result           1775 gc/os_dep.c        result = (ptr_t) VirtualAlloc(result, bytes,
result           1778 gc/os_dep.c        if (result != NULL) {
result           1779 gc/os_dep.c    	if (HBLKDISPL(result) != 0) ABORT("Bad VirtualAlloc result");
result           1783 gc/os_dep.c        return(result);
result           1808 gc/os_dep.c        ptr_t result = start;
result           1810 gc/os_dep.c            result += GC_page_size - 1;
result           1811 gc/os_dep.c            result = (ptr_t)((word)result & ~(GC_page_size - 1));
result           1812 gc/os_dep.c        if (result + GC_page_size > start + bytes) return 0;
result           1813 gc/os_dep.c        return result;
result           1860 gc/os_dep.c    	void * result;
result           1861 gc/os_dep.c            result = mmap(start_addr, len, PROT_NONE,
result           1864 gc/os_dep.c            if (result != (void *)start_addr) ABORT("mmap(...PROT_NONE...) failed");
result           1878 gc/os_dep.c          ptr_t result;
result           1888 gc/os_dep.c    	  result = VirtualAlloc(start_addr, alloc_len,
result           1891 gc/os_dep.c    	  if (result != start_addr) {
result           1900 gc/os_dep.c          int result;
result           1903 gc/os_dep.c          result = mprotect(start_addr, len,
result           1905 gc/os_dep.c          if (result != 0) {
result           1966 gc/os_dep.c        PCR_ERes result;
result           1969 gc/os_dep.c        result = PCR_ThCtl_GetInfo(t, &info);
result           1971 gc/os_dep.c        return(result);
result           2982 gc/os_dep.c        int result;
result           2997 gc/os_dep.c    	    result = readv(fd, &iov, 1);
result           3001 gc/os_dep.c    	result = __read(fd, buf, nbyte);
result           3006 gc/os_dep.c         	result = syscall(SYS_read, fd, buf, nbyte, 0, 0);
result           3010 gc/os_dep.c        return(result);
result           3023 gc/os_dep.c     	int result;
result           3027 gc/os_dep.c    	result = __real_read(fd, buf, nbyte);
result           3029 gc/os_dep.c    	return(result);
result           3256 gc/os_dep.c        register GC_bool result;
result           3258 gc/os_dep.c        result = get_pht_entry_from_index(GC_grungy_pages, index);
result           3260 gc/os_dep.c    	if (result && PAGE_IS_FRESH(h)) result = FALSE;
result           3267 gc/os_dep.c        return(result);
result           3274 gc/os_dep.c        register GC_bool result;
result           3276 gc/os_dep.c        result = get_pht_entry_from_index(GC_written_pages, index);
result           3278 gc/os_dep.c    	if (result && PAGE_IS_FRESH(h)) result = FALSE;
result           3280 gc/os_dep.c        return(result);
result             32 gc/pcr_interface.c         void * result = (void *)GC_malloc_atomic(size);
result             33 gc/pcr_interface.c         if (clear && result != 0) BZERO(result, size);
result             34 gc/pcr_interface.c         return(result);
result             43 gc/pcr_interface.c         void * result = (void *)GC_debug_malloc_atomic(size, __FILE__,
result             45 gc/pcr_interface.c         if (clear && result != 0) BZERO(result, size);
result             46 gc/pcr_interface.c         return(result);
result            309 gc/pthread_stop_world.c     int result;
result            325 gc/pthread_stop_world.c         result = pthread_kill(p -> id, SIG_SUSPEND);
result            326 gc/pthread_stop_world.c 	    switch(result) {
result            419 gc/pthread_stop_world.c     register int result;
result            435 gc/pthread_stop_world.c         result = pthread_kill(p -> id, SIG_THR_RESTART);
result            436 gc/pthread_stop_world.c 	    switch(result) {
result            299 gc/pthread_support.c 	    GC_PTR result = (GC_PTR)my_entry;
result            303 gc/pthread_support.c 	    return result;
result            326 gc/pthread_support.c 	    GC_PTR result = (GC_PTR)my_entry;
result            328 gc/pthread_support.c 	    return result;
result            365 gc/pthread_support.c 	    GC_PTR result = (GC_PTR)my_entry;
result            379 gc/pthread_support.c 	    GC_ASSERT(((void * volatile *)result)[1] == 0);
result            380 gc/pthread_support.c 	    *(void * volatile *)result = ptr_to_struct_containing_descr;
result            381 gc/pthread_support.c 	    return result;
result            561 gc/pthread_support.c     GC_thread result;
result            565 gc/pthread_support.c     	result = &first_thread;
result            568 gc/pthread_support.c         result = (struct GC_Thread_Rep *)
result            571 gc/pthread_support.c     if (result == 0) return(0);
result            572 gc/pthread_support.c     result -> id = id;
result            573 gc/pthread_support.c     result -> next = GC_threads[hv];
result            574 gc/pthread_support.c     GC_threads[hv] = result;
result            575 gc/pthread_support.c     GC_ASSERT(result -> flags == 0 && result -> thread_blocked == 0);
result            576 gc/pthread_support.c     return(result);
result            708 gc/pthread_support.c     word result = 1;
result            723 gc/pthread_support.c 	    if (cpu_no >= result) result = cpu_no + 1;
result            727 gc/pthread_support.c     return result;
result           1022 gc/pthread_support.c     int result;
result           1025 gc/pthread_support.c     result = REAL_FUNC(sleep)(seconds);
result           1027 gc/pthread_support.c     return result;
result           1066 gc/pthread_support.c     int result;
result           1074 gc/pthread_support.c     result = REAL_FUNC(pthread_join)(thread, retval);
result           1084 gc/pthread_support.c     if (result == EINTR) result = 0;
result           1086 gc/pthread_support.c     if (result == 0) {
result           1092 gc/pthread_support.c     return result;
result           1098 gc/pthread_support.c     int result;
result           1104 gc/pthread_support.c     result = REAL_FUNC(pthread_detach)(thread);
result           1105 gc/pthread_support.c     if (result == 0) {
result           1114 gc/pthread_support.c     return result;
result           1123 gc/pthread_support.c     void * result;
result           1183 gc/pthread_support.c     result = (*start)(start_arg);
result           1187 gc/pthread_support.c     me -> status = result;
result           1192 gc/pthread_support.c     return(result);
result           1200 gc/pthread_support.c     int result;
result           1257 gc/pthread_support.c     result = REAL_FUNC(pthread_create)(new_thread, attr, GC_start_routine, si);
result           1266 gc/pthread_support.c     if (0 == result) {
result           1276 gc/pthread_support.c     return(result);
result           1285 gc/pthread_support.c     GC_bool result;
result           1289 gc/pthread_support.c       result = TRUE;
result           1291 gc/pthread_support.c       result = FALSE;
result           1294 gc/pthread_support.c     return result;
result            245 gc/ptr_chck.c      	    GC_bool result;
result            254 gc/ptr_chck.c      	        result = GC_is_static_root(p);
result            256 gc/ptr_chck.c      	        if (result) return(p);
result            308 gc/ptr_chck.c      GC_PTR result = GC_same_obj((GC_PTR)((word)initial + how_much), initial);
result            311 gc/ptr_chck.c      	(void) GC_is_valid_displacement(result);
result            313 gc/ptr_chck.c      return (*p = result);
result            321 gc/ptr_chck.c      GC_PTR result = GC_same_obj((GC_PTR)((word)initial + how_much), initial);
result            324 gc/ptr_chck.c      	(void) GC_is_valid_displacement(result);
result            326 gc/ptr_chck.c      *p = result;
result            669 gc/reclaim.c       ptr_t result = list;
result            679 gc/reclaim.c               result = GC_reclaim1(hbp, hhdr, list COUNT_ARG);
result            682 gc/reclaim.c               result = GC_reclaim_clear2(hbp, hhdr, list COUNT_ARG);
result            685 gc/reclaim.c               result = GC_reclaim_clear4(hbp, hhdr, list COUNT_ARG);
result            689 gc/reclaim.c               result = GC_reclaim_clear(hbp, hhdr, sz, list COUNT_ARG);
result            697 gc/reclaim.c               result = GC_reclaim1(hbp, hhdr, list COUNT_ARG);
result            700 gc/reclaim.c               result = GC_reclaim_uninit2(hbp, hhdr, list COUNT_ARG);
result            703 gc/reclaim.c               result = GC_reclaim_uninit4(hbp, hhdr, list COUNT_ARG);
result            707 gc/reclaim.c               result = GC_reclaim_uninit(hbp, hhdr, sz, list COUNT_ARG);
result            712 gc/reclaim.c       return result;
result            823 gc/reclaim.c       register int result = 0;
result            827 gc/reclaim.c           result += hhdr -> hb_marks[i];
result            829 gc/reclaim.c       return(result);
result            839 gc/reclaim.c       register int result = 0;
result            842 gc/reclaim.c       	if (m & 1) result++;
result            845 gc/reclaim.c       return(result);
result            852 gc/reclaim.c       register int result = 0;
result            856 gc/reclaim.c           result += set_bits(hhdr -> hb_marks[i]);
result            858 gc/reclaim.c       return(result);
result             40 gc/setjmp_t.c      ULONG result[1];
result             43 gc/setjmp_t.c      		        (void *)result, sizeof(ULONG)) != NO_ERROR) {
result             45 gc/setjmp_t.c      	result[0] = 4096;
result             47 gc/setjmp_t.c      return((int)(result[0]));
result             73 gc/solaris_pthreads.c     int result;
result            146 gc/solaris_pthreads.c     result =
result            153 gc/solaris_pthreads.c     if (result == 0) {
result            169 gc/solaris_pthreads.c     return(result);
result            128 gc/solaris_threads.c     int result;
result            135 gc/solaris_threads.c     result = syscall(SYS_ioctl, GC_main_proc_fd, PIOCOPENLWP, &id);
result            139 gc/solaris_threads.c     if (result < 0 && errno == EMFILE) {
result            143 gc/solaris_threads.c 			result = syscall(SYS_ioctl, GC_main_proc_fd, PIOCOPENLWP, &id);
result            144 gc/solaris_threads.c 			if (result >= 0 || (result < 0 && errno != EMFILE))
result            149 gc/solaris_threads.c     if (result < 0) {
result            158 gc/solaris_threads.c     GC_lwp_cache[next_victim].lc_descr = result;
result            161 gc/solaris_threads.c     return(result);
result            446 gc/solaris_threads.c     register struct stack_head *result;
result            452 gc/solaris_threads.c     if ((result = GC_stack_free_lists[index]) == 0
result            453 gc/solaris_threads.c         && (result = GC_stack_free_lists[index+1]) != 0) {
result            457 gc/solaris_threads.c     if (result != 0) {
result            574 gc/solaris_threads.c     GC_thread result;
result            579 gc/solaris_threads.c     	result = &first_thread;
result            583 gc/solaris_threads.c         result = (struct GC_Thread_Rep *)
result            586 gc/solaris_threads.c     if (result == 0) return(0);
result            587 gc/solaris_threads.c     result -> id = id;
result            588 gc/solaris_threads.c     result -> next = GC_threads[hv];
result            589 gc/solaris_threads.c     GC_threads[hv] = result;
result            591 gc/solaris_threads.c     (void) cond_init(&(result->join_cv), USYNC_THREAD, 0);
result            592 gc/solaris_threads.c     return(result);
result            643 gc/solaris_threads.c     int result;
result            646 gc/solaris_threads.c     result = (word)rl.rlim_cur & ~(HBLKSIZE-1);
result            647 gc/solaris_threads.c     if (result > MAX_ORIG_STACK_SIZE) {
result            649 gc/solaris_threads.c 	    WARN("Large stack limit(%ld): only scanning 8 MB\n", result);
result            652 gc/solaris_threads.c 	result = MAX_ORIG_STACK_SIZE;
result            654 gc/solaris_threads.c     return result;
result            745 gc/solaris_threads.c     register int result;
result            749 gc/solaris_threads.c         result = thr_join((thread_t)0, &departed, &status);
result            751 gc/solaris_threads.c     	if (result != 0) {
result            824 gc/solaris_threads.c     int result;
result            827 gc/solaris_threads.c     result = thr_suspend(target_thread);
result            828 gc/solaris_threads.c     if (result == 0) {
result            834 gc/solaris_threads.c     return(result);
result            840 gc/solaris_threads.c     int result;
result            843 gc/solaris_threads.c     result = thr_continue(target_thread);
result            844 gc/solaris_threads.c     if (result == 0) {
result            850 gc/solaris_threads.c     return(result);
result            856 gc/solaris_threads.c     int result = 0;
result            876 gc/solaris_threads.c               result = ESRCH;
result            884 gc/solaris_threads.c     	    result = ESRCH;
result            888 gc/solaris_threads.c     	    result = EDEADLK;
result            903 gc/solaris_threads.c     return(result);
result            912 gc/solaris_threads.c     int result;
result            934 gc/solaris_threads.c     result = thr_create(stack, stack_size, start_routine,
result            936 gc/solaris_threads.c     if (result == 0) {
result            951 gc/solaris_threads.c     return(result);
result             27 gc/specific.c      tsd * result = (tsd *)MALLOC_CLEAR(sizeof (tsd));
result             31 gc/specific.c      if (0 == result) return ENOMEM;
result             32 gc/specific.c      pthread_mutex_init(&(result -> lock), NULL);
result             34 gc/specific.c  	result -> cache[i] = &invalid_tse;
result             38 gc/specific.c  	GC_ASSERT(result -> hash[i] == 0);
result             41 gc/specific.c      *key_ptr = result;
result            202 gc/stubborn.c  ptr_t result;
result            215 gc/stubborn.c              result = GC_generic_malloc((word)lb, STUBBORN);
result            221 gc/stubborn.c          result = (GC_PTR) op;
result            222 gc/stubborn.c          ADD_CHANGING(result);
result            224 gc/stubborn.c          return((GC_PTR)result);
result            226 gc/stubborn.c         result = (GC_PTR)
result            232 gc/stubborn.c     ADD_CHANGING(result);
result            235 gc/stubborn.c     return((GC_PTR)GC_clear_stack(result));
result            339 gc/tests/test.c     sexpr result;
result            357 gc/tests/test.c     result = (sexpr)(r + 1);
result            358 gc/tests/test.c     result -> sexpr_car = x;
result            359 gc/tests/test.c     result -> sexpr_cdr = y;
result            360 gc/tests/test.c     return(result);
result            798 gc/tests/test.c       tn * result = (tn *)GC_LOCAL_MALLOC(sizeof(tn));
result            800 gc/tests/test.c       tn * result = (tn *)GC_MALLOC(sizeof(tn));
result            807 gc/tests/test.c          char * result = (char *)GC_LOCAL_MALLOC_ATOMIC(17);
result            808 gc/tests/test.c 	 memset(result, 'a', 17);
result            822 gc/tests/test.c     if (result == 0) {
result            826 gc/tests/test.c     result -> level = n;
result            827 gc/tests/test.c     result -> lchild = mktree(n-1);
result            828 gc/tests/test.c     result -> rchild = mktree(n-1);
result            830 gc/tests/test.c         tn * tmp = result -> lchild -> rchild;
result            832 gc/tests/test.c         result -> lchild -> rchild = result -> rchild -> lchild;
result            833 gc/tests/test.c         result -> rchild -> lchild = tmp;
result            872 gc/tests/test.c         GC_REGISTER_FINALIZER((GC_PTR)result, finalizer, (GC_PTR)(GC_word)n,
result            881 gc/tests/test.c          	(GC_PTR)result) != 0) {
result            893 gc/tests/test.c          	(GC_PTR)result) != 0) {
result            898 gc/tests/test.c     return(result);
result           1282 gc/tests/test.c 	    GC_word result = (GC_word) GC_memalign(i, 17);
result           1283 gc/tests/test.c 	    if (result % i != 0 || result == 0 || *(int *)result != 0) FAIL;
result            109 gc/typd_mlc.c      register signed_word result;
result            143 gc/typd_mlc.c      result = GC_avail_descr;
result            145 gc/typd_mlc.c          GC_ext_descriptors[result + i].ed_bitmap = bm[i];
result            146 gc/typd_mlc.c          GC_ext_descriptors[result + i].ed_continued = TRUE;
result            153 gc/typd_mlc.c      GC_ext_descriptors[result + i].ed_bitmap = last_part;
result            154 gc/typd_mlc.c      GC_ext_descriptors[result + i].ed_continued = FALSE;
result            158 gc/typd_mlc.c      return(result);
result            236 gc/typd_mlc.c        int result =
result            242 gc/typd_mlc.c            return(result);
result            248 gc/typd_mlc.c            if (result == NO_MEM || one_element == 0) return(NO_MEM);
result            253 gc/typd_mlc.c            switch(result) {
result            305 gc/typd_mlc.c      struct SequenceDescriptor * result =
result            311 gc/typd_mlc.c      if (result != 0) {
result            312 gc/typd_mlc.c      	result -> sd_tag = SEQUENCE_TAG;
result            313 gc/typd_mlc.c          result -> sd_first = first;
result            314 gc/typd_mlc.c          result -> sd_second = second;
result            316 gc/typd_mlc.c      return((complex_descriptor *)result);
result            324 gc/typd_mlc.c      struct ComplexArrayDescriptor * result =
result            328 gc/typd_mlc.c      if (result != 0) {
result            329 gc/typd_mlc.c      	result -> ad_tag = ARRAY_TAG;
result            330 gc/typd_mlc.c          result -> ad_nelements = nelements;
result            331 gc/typd_mlc.c          result -> ad_element_descr = descr;
result            333 gc/typd_mlc.c      return((complex_descriptor *)result);
result            577 gc/typd_mlc.c      register word result;
result            602 gc/typd_mlc.c      	result = HIGH_BIT;
result            604 gc/typd_mlc.c      	    result >>= 1;
result            605 gc/typd_mlc.c      	    if (GC_get_bit(bm, i)) result |= HIGH_BIT;
result            607 gc/typd_mlc.c      	result |= GC_DS_BITMAP;
result            608 gc/typd_mlc.c      	return(result);
result            616 gc/typd_mlc.c      	result = GC_MAKE_PROC(GC_typed_mark_proc_index, (word)index);
result            617 gc/typd_mlc.c      	return(result);
result            587 gc/win32_threads.c     int result;
result            603 gc/win32_threads.c     result = pthread_join(pthread_id, retval);
result            612 gc/win32_threads.c     return result;
result            623 gc/win32_threads.c     int result;
result            646 gc/win32_threads.c     result = pthread_create(new_thread, attr, GC_start_routine, si);
result            648 gc/win32_threads.c     if (result) { /* failure */
result            652 gc/win32_threads.c     return(result);
result            658 gc/win32_threads.c     void * result;
result            689 gc/win32_threads.c     result = (*start)(start_arg);
result            690 gc/win32_threads.c     me -> status = result;
result            698 gc/win32_threads.c     return(result);
result            728 gc/win32_threads.c     int result;
result            734 gc/win32_threads.c     result = pthread_detach(thread);
result            735 gc/win32_threads.c     if (result == 0) {
result            744 gc/win32_threads.c     return result;
result            481 src/class.c    ScmObj class_of_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result            483 src/class.c        return Scm_VMClassOf(result);
result            500 src/class.c    ScmObj is_a_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result            832 src/class.c        ScmObj seqh = SCM_NIL, seqt = SCM_NIL, ds, dp, result;
result            853 src/class.c        result = Scm_MonotonicMerge(SCM_OBJ(klass), seqh);
result            854 src/class.c        if (SCM_FALSEP(result))
result            857 src/class.c        return result;
result           1182 src/class.c    static ScmObj slot_initialize_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result           1186 src/class.c        return slot_set_using_accessor(obj, sa, result);
result           1254 src/class.c    static ScmObj slot_ref_using_accessor_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result           1260 src/class.c        if (SCM_UNBOUNDP(result) || SCM_UNDEFINEDP(result)) {
result           1269 src/class.c                return result;
result           1273 src/class.c    static ScmObj slot_boundp_using_accessor_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result           1275 src/class.c        return SCM_FALSEP(result)? SCM_FALSE:SCM_TRUE;
result           1325 src/class.c    static ScmObj slot_ref_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result           1358 src/class.c    static ScmObj slot_ref_using_accessor_cc1(ScmObj result, void **data)
result           1457 src/class.c    static ScmObj slot_set_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result           1489 src/class.c    static ScmObj slot_set_using_accessor_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result           1565 src/class.c    static ScmObj slot_boundp_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result           1818 src/class.c    static ScmObj object_initialize_cc(ScmObj result, void **data);
result           1835 src/class.c    static ScmObj object_initialize_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result            104 src/code.c     static ScmObj execute_toplevels_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result           4638 src/extlib.c   static ScmObj hash_table_update_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result           4641 src/extlib.c      e->value = result;
result           4642 src/extlib.c      SCM_RETURN(result);
result           2598 src/gauche.h   #define SCM_SYSCALL3(result, expr, check)       \
result           2600 src/gauche.h       (result) = (expr);                          \
result           2610 src/gauche.h   #define SCM_SYSCALL(result, expr) \
result           2611 src/gauche.h     SCM_SYSCALL3(result, expr, (result < 0))
result            115 src/gauche/char_euc_jp.h #define SCM_CHAR_BACKWARD(cp, start, result)                    \
result            116 src/gauche/char_euc_jp.h     ((result) = Scm_CharBackwardEUC(cp, start))
result             65 src/gauche/char_none.h #define SCM_CHAR_BACKWARD(cp, start, result)    \
result             67 src/gauche/char_none.h         if ((cp) > (start)) (result) = (cp)-1;  \
result             68 src/gauche/char_none.h         else (result) = NULL;                   \
result             99 src/gauche/char_sjis.h #define SCM_CHAR_BACKWARD(cp, start, result)                    \
result            101 src/gauche/char_sjis.h         (result) = (cp);                                        \
result            102 src/gauche/char_sjis.h         if ((result) == (start)) (result) = NULL;               \
result            103 src/gauche/char_sjis.h         else if ((result) == (start) + 1) (result) = (start);   \
result            104 src/gauche/char_sjis.h         else if (SCM_CHAR_NFOLLOWS(*((result)-2)) == 1) {       \
result            105 src/gauche/char_sjis.h              (result) -= 2;                                     \
result            107 src/gauche/char_sjis.h              (result) -= 1;                                     \
result            101 src/gauche/char_utf_8.h #define SCM_CHAR_BACKWARD(cp, start, result)                    \
result            105 src/gauche/char_utf_8.h             (result) = (cp) - 6;                                \
result            106 src/gauche/char_utf_8.h             if (SCM_CHAR_NFOLLOWS(*(result)) == 5) break;       \
result            109 src/gauche/char_utf_8.h             (result) = (cp) - 5;                                \
result            110 src/gauche/char_utf_8.h             if (SCM_CHAR_NFOLLOWS(*(result)) == 4) break;       \
result            113 src/gauche/char_utf_8.h             (result) = (cp) - 4;                                \
result            114 src/gauche/char_utf_8.h             if (SCM_CHAR_NFOLLOWS(*(result)) == 3) break;       \
result            117 src/gauche/char_utf_8.h             (result) = (cp) - 3;                                \
result            118 src/gauche/char_utf_8.h             if (SCM_CHAR_NFOLLOWS(*(result)) == 2) break;       \
result            121 src/gauche/char_utf_8.h             (result) = (cp) - 2;                                \
result            122 src/gauche/char_utf_8.h             if (SCM_CHAR_NFOLLOWS(*(result)) == 1) break;       \
result            125 src/gauche/char_utf_8.h             (result) = (cp) - 1;                                \
result            126 src/gauche/char_utf_8.h             if (SCM_CHAR_NFOLLOWS(*(result)) == 0) break;       \
result            127 src/gauche/char_utf_8.h             (result) = NULL;                                    \
result            366 src/gauche/vm.h     ScmObj result;              /* Result of thunk. */
result             64 src/hash.c     #define SMALL_INT_HASH(result, val) \
result             65 src/hash.c         ((result) = (val)*2654435761UL)
result             67 src/hash.c     #define ADDRESS_HASH(result, val) \
result             68 src/hash.c         ((result) = (SCM_WORD(val) >> 3) * 2654435761UL)
result           1620 src/intlib.c   static ScmObj map1c_cc(ScmObj result, void *data[])
result           1627 src/intlib.c        SCM_RETURN(Scm_ReverseX(Scm_Cons(result, r)));
result           1629 src/intlib.c        data[1] = Scm_Cons(result, r);
result           1665 src/intlib.c   static ScmObj map1cc_cc(ScmObj result, void *data[])
result           1673 src/intlib.c        SCM_RETURN(Scm_ReverseX(Scm_Cons(result, r)));
result           1675 src/intlib.c        data[1] = Scm_Cons(result, r);
result            333 src/list.c         ScmObj cp, result;
result            339 src/list.c         result = SCM_OBJ(p);
result            341 src/list.c     	SCM_SET_CAR(result, SCM_CAR(cp));
result            342 src/list.c             SCM_NEW_PAIR(p, SCM_NIL, result);
result            343 src/list.c             result = SCM_OBJ(p);
result            345 src/list.c         return SCM_CDR(result);
result            357 src/list.c         ScmObj first, next, result = SCM_NIL;
result            361 src/list.c             SCM_SET_CDR(first, result);
result            362 src/list.c             result = first;
result            364 src/list.c         return result;
result            580 src/list.c         ScmObj result = SCM_NIL, tail = SCM_NIL, lp;
result            582 src/list.c             if (SCM_FALSEP(Scm_Member(SCM_CAR(lp), result, cmpmode))) {
result            583 src/list.c                 SCM_APPEND1(result, tail, SCM_CAR(lp));
result            587 src/list.c         return result;
result            623 src/list.c         ScmObj result = Scm_Cons(start, SCM_NIL), next, h;
result            638 src/list.c             if (sp == seqv+nseqs) return Scm_ReverseX(result);
result            659 src/list.c             result = Scm_Cons(next, result);
result            147 src/load.c     static ScmObj load_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result            927 src/macro.c    ScmObj macro_expand_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result            930 src/macro.c        return Scm_VMMacroExpand(result, env, FALSE);
result            402 src/main.c             ScmObj result, mainproc;
result            411 src/main.c                 result = Scm_Apply(mainproc, SCM_LIST1(av));
result            412 src/main.c                 if (SCM_INTP(result)) exit_code = SCM_INT_VALUE(result);
result            131 src/proc.c     static ScmObj foreach1_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result            159 src/proc.c     static ScmObj map1_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result            165 src/proc.c         SCM_APPEND1(head, tail, result);
result            224 src/proc.c     static ScmObj foreachN_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result            254 src/proc.c     static ScmObj mapN_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result            263 src/proc.c         SCM_APPEND1(head, tail, result);
result            112 src/promise.c  static ScmObj force_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result            119 src/promise.c          if (SCM_PROMISEP(result)) {
result            122 src/promise.c              p->content->forced = SCM_PROMISE(result)->content->forced;
result            123 src/promise.c              p->content->code   = SCM_PROMISE(result)->content->code;
result            124 src/promise.c              SCM_PROMISE(result)->content = p->content;
result            130 src/promise.c              p->content->code = result;
result             73 src/repl.c     static ScmObj repl_print_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result             78 src/repl.c     static ScmObj repl_eval_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result             86 src/repl.c                 return Scm_VMApply1(printer, result);
result             91 src/repl.c             ScmObj result = Scm_VMGetResult(vm), cp;
result             92 src/repl.c             SCM_FOR_EACH(cp, result) {
result            105 src/repl.c     static ScmObj repl_read_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result            109 src/repl.c         if (SCM_EOFP(result)) {
result            113 src/repl.c             return Scm_VMApply2(evaluator, result, SCM_OBJ(SCM_CURRENT_MODULE()));
result            116 src/repl.c             return Scm_VMEval(result, SCM_FALSE);
result            120 src/repl.c     static ScmObj repl_prompt_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result            155 src/repl.c     static ScmObj repl_loop_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result            157 src/repl.c         if (SCM_TRUEP(result)) {
result            160 src/vm.c           v->result = SCM_UNDEFINED;
result           2969 src/vm.c       void Scm_VMPushCC(ScmObj (*after)(ScmObj result, void **data),
result           2999 src/vm.c       static ScmObj dynwind_before_cc(ScmObj result, void **data);
result           3000 src/vm.c       static ScmObj dynwind_body_cc(ScmObj result, void **data);
result           3001 src/vm.c       static ScmObj dynwind_after_cc(ScmObj result, void **data);
result           3024 src/vm.c       static ScmObj dynwind_before_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result           3039 src/vm.c       static ScmObj dynwind_body_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result           3047 src/vm.c           d[0] = (void*)result;
result           3058 src/vm.c       static ScmObj dynwind_after_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result           3191 src/vm.c               ScmObj result = SCM_FALSE, rvals[SCM_VM_MAX_VALUES];
result           3206 src/vm.c                   result = Scm_Apply(ep->ehandler, SCM_LIST1(e));
result           3230 src/vm.c               vm->val0 = result;
result           3459 src/vm.c       static ScmObj throw_cont_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)
result           3602 src/vm.c       static ScmObj process_queued_requests_cc(ScmObj result, void **data)